This is what I've written for the last two years, on this very day because this coincide with the premiere of Mozart's The Magic Flute. Last year I wrote about:
The Queen of the Night - a representation of obscurantism
, in other words, the practice of deliberately preventing the facts
or the full details of some matter from becoming known. This is
ironically what is happening right now, where people are denied the
knowledge of what they want to know. Instead, they were threatened with
a charge of the Official Secrets Act if information is to be revealed.
And this is why many people to this day has either no clue or they
acted foolishly without the proper and sufficient knowledge. The
aristocracy's obscurantism of the social problem's is the main factor
the start of the French Revolution.
I also put in the Three Ladies as the agents of the Queen:
The three ladies of the
Queen - Represents the agents that will carry out her order. The
mainstream media has been ordered to do a smear campaign of Bersih. The
main goal is simple: manufacturing consent, to create a consent among
the simpleton minded (those like Papageno) that Bersih is a no good
thing, without presenting the reasons why Bersih would do such thing.
They would also twist to include statements from leaders who are opposed
to the idea of clean elections.
I've also included a video clip of the opera's famous aria, "Hell's Vengeance Boils In My Heart"
As most of you are not aware, today and this year marks the 220th anniversary of the opera.
It was first debuted on 30 September 1791, just two months before Mozart's untimely death.
problem right now is that fear and threats are spread around, yet
people remain ignorant. The character of Papageno is an allegory to such
attitude. I wrote:
- Tamino's companion, Papageno represents the foolish and the error of
the people. These people are mainly simpletons, those who do not
really bother about enlightenment and wisdom but just food, drink and
companionship. In Act II Scene 5, the priests scolded Papageno because
he will never know the enlightened bliss of the gods, but instead
Papageno said, there are many unenlightened but happy. This is the
danger of being susceptible to the danger of superstition and
groundless fears.
How can we overcome such fear
mongering like "eradicated rights" that people from UMNO and some NGOs
would say that? It's from proper and right knowledge, enlightenment and
not to be a lazy native. We too should start believe that such things
spread actually do not exist. It is meant to scare people of going out
of the shell and exploring the unexplored.
The plot of the opera is somewhat a metaphor of the mankind's
progression from naive to enlightened being. To refuse such
enlightenment is a one step backwards.
Just before Bersih 2.0, I've broken down the list of characters and its representations:
Sarastro - a representation of
the enlightened sovereign who rules according to principles based on
reason, wisdom, and nature. The complete anti-thesis of the Queen of the
Night. He reveals that she attempts to bewilder people with
superstition and groundless fears. The first model that serves the
influence of the character was Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II - an
ultimately flawed figure despite his attempt on using the principles
Pamina - daughter of
the Queen of the Night, representing people. Sarastro refused to let her
return to her mother because she was not properly guided. As what
Mozart and Schikander put in - the people must be guided proper, even if
there are mistakes apart.
Tamino - the main protagonist -
representing the trials that mankind must go through. At the start of
the second act, Sarastro declared that Pamina must be guided by man,
Tamino represents the trials that Pamina will faced or in other way
round, the people.
Papageno - Tamino's companion,
Papageno represents the foolish and the error of the people. These
people are mainly simpletons, those who do not really bother about
enlightenment and wisdom but just food, drink and companionship. In Act
II Scene 5, the priests scolded Papageno because he will never know the
enlightened bliss of the gods, but instead Papageno said, there are many
unenlightened but happy. This is the danger of being susceptible to the
danger of superstition and groundless fears.
The are three famous numbers for this opera:
1. Hell's Vengeance Boils In My Heart
- The most difficult aria, performed by the Queen of the Night. She
orders Pamina to kill Sarastro, or risks being disowned in pain by the
mother. The pitch notation of this aria can reach up to F6. A few
sopranos could perform at such degree, and currently the modern day
soprano that could perform that is Diana Damrau.
2. A Girl Or Young Woman
- Papageno's number representing his desire for a young woman as a
wife, but it is already that he refuses enlightenment, as mentioned at
the start of Act II.
3. Papapapa duet - Papageno and
Papagena stammer at each other that they started to warm up and
eventually got their wish of love.
The storyline or whatsoever is
not quite important. The metaphor of the story is. Looking back at the
story, and coupled of what is happening right now, it is clear that the
government's paranoia over the matter of people demanding for fair and
clear elections is akin to what the Queen of The Night would exhort to
do. The police, and some ministers like Hishamuddin Hussein are like the
Queen's three ladies, doing her bidding. They would harass people,
simply arresting people, do all the silly things instead of catching the
real scum out on the streets.
It's the government's paranoia -
the fear of losing power, to divert the internal fighting among
themselves, and all the things that are considered to be a bane as well
as how the society will go against them prompted them to be in such
The mainstream media, like one
of the three ladies have been on the smearing Bersih campaign. The main
goal is obviously to manufacture consent among the audience,
particularly simpletons and those in the rural land area. They are the
ones ignorant or do not have alternative access to other channels.
Manufacturing consent is one of the things the acclaimed Noam Chomsky
spoke about in several of his books. I am very critical on the attitude
of many Papagenos online. I have seen many people who seem to be very
ignorant of those and have yet to understand the realities of the
fragile present election system. Many claimed that Bersih is opposition.
On the contrary no. It is natural for them to support for they have
been victims of fraud. The instance of fraud in Sarawak or Hulu Selangor
is the case in point.
Monostatos is the big henchman of the Queen of the Night. Perkasa can the example
Obviously, Pamina is
representing the people themselves and the actions of trial and error
will determine whether she would either go back to her mother or follow
the guidance of Sarastro and the marriage of trial / Tamino.
The problem with Malaysia is
there are lack of enlightened leaders to lead the way. By the antics of
how they deal, Najib and his most team of ministers are mere showman,
but not with people with quality. They could have handled the situation
well, give Bersih 3 hours for the day and solving the problem.
Unfortunately, because of paranoia, they decided to play hard. Can Anwar
be under the group of enlightened leaders like Sarastro? No, given of
the present skeletons in his closet.
The Saturday's rally will be a
trial that Malaysians who have realized the importance of fair playing
field of the election game that will determine the outcome in
generations to come. It will be one step towards enlightenment or one
step backwards to obscurantism as what the present government of the day
is advocating, by playing dirty. And it has already attracted an
international audience, with human rights groups in particular paying
I am certain that the
Vatican and London is also watching as Najib will be visiting these
places from tomorrow and next week. Many said that Najib is a laughing
stock now given of his handling of the situation. I bet it would be.
Any one of you who have listened to that famous aria would notice some similarity to what Najib talks below. They should also reveal who in the agency that wrote it. :
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak today urged Malaysians
to be wary of the opposition’s three main “weapons” which were
condemning, instigating and making all sorts of promises in trying woo
the people.
“They must condemn (the government), they must knock you (government)
down. After that, they must instigate (the people) and then they will
promise. Like I said, they’ll promise the sun, the moon, and even the
galaxy,” he said when opening Gerakan’s 41st National Delegates
Conference here.
Najib, who is also Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman, said the people
should ponder about the sweet promises made by the Pakatan Rakyat
opposition coalition which in the end were actually nothing more than
venomous poison for them.
“Is it really something good for the people or will it lead to some
catastrophic outcome for the nation. This is something the people must
think about, because to become the opposition, the arsenal is three
things — condemn, instigate, promise,” stressed Najib.
Najib said that to be a credible opposition in a parliamentary
democracy, a few fundamental conditions must be fulfilled, one of which
is having a common symbol.
“In other words, you must register as a party. But Pakatan Rakyat is
not registered as a common party nor do they have a common symbol,”
Najib said.
The prime minister pointed out BN had been using a common symbol, with electoral candidates contesting under the BN banner.
“We go and face the people as BN, but the opposition will go to the people with different faces.
“Symbol not the same …we are not sure whether they will table a
common manifesto ,” he said, noting that squabbles over (the
implementation of) hudud (Syariah laws) among the opposition pact had
been conducted openly.
Unfulfilled promises
Najib said this demonstrated that they did not have a common position
and common policy on how this country was going to be administered.
He also took a swipe at the opposition’s failure in unveiling its ‘shadow cabinet’.
Najib said the country should not be governed by the opposition pact who kept on making unfulfilled promises.
He noted that 75 per cent of promises in PKR-led Selangor, remained
unfulfilled while the BN had to step in to resolve the Kampung Buah Pala
(eviction of villagers) issue in DAP-dominated Penang.
The prime minister also said that a leader must be fair and just,
traits which had apparently escaped an opposition leader when he tried
to deprive a competent senior state Education official from being
promoted in Penang some time ago because he was a non-Malay.
“When I checked on it, I took a risk. He was the deputy prime
minister, I was the Education Minister…I said no, that man must be given
the Pengarah Pelajaran (atate education director) post. And I was
prepared to face the consequences because of principle. A leader must be
fair and just,” he said.
Touching on the 2013 Budget he tabled on Friday, Najib said the
underlying philosophy in its preparation was that the people must come
first and all steps taken were for them.
“This budget is about the people as well as about moving the economy.
You can’t just talk about the rakyat (people) without moving the
economy, without attracting foreign investment, domestic investment,
innovation and productivity.
“There are 111 initiatives or touch points in Budget 2013. Read them one by one,” he said.