Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Green Ultimatum, Anti-Lynas KL Protest

Kuala Lumpur today was also another location for the simultaneous Green Gathering in protest against the Lynas Rare Earth Plant in Kuantan. The KL leg was held this morning from 9.30 a.m to noon at the Maju Junction mall. For the people who were unable to go to Kuantan due to amount of time required or other priorities, the location and alternative event serves to cater their show of solidarity of support and express their mass disapproval of having a rare-earth plant without proper measures to isolate wastes.

Around 1000 people turned up today at the venue, occupying both sides of Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Many of those who were present are the young generation. There have been constant shouts and cheers on anti-Lynas and whenever passing motorists honked to show support to their cause, they cheered as well. Two MPs were present, Charles Santiago from Klang and Dr. Dzukefly of Kuala Selangor. The protest duly ends at 12.30 pm with people dispersing as planned and there have been promises from the crowd to show up in a similar roadshow event in the future.

Here are some of the selected pieces of photos that I've taken on the ground. There were some incidental reactions from passing motorists that it is also included as well.

According to Malaysiakini, there were around 15 thousand in attendance in Kuantan. However, the police downplayed the size and said only 3 thousand. (from Bernama but information used could be the early hours info). One thing caught my interest was an ultimatum delivered by the organizing chairman of Stop Lynas Wong Tack. This is what he said in The Malaysian Insider:

“The whole nation has risen up. We cannot accept this kind of destruction to our country. It is very clear. How much louder do you want us to scream? When are you going to care about the people’s concerns?” he told reporters after the rally at Padang MPK 4 here. 

“We want a decision to be made in 24 hours, or else our committee will start immediately on a bigger demonstration... to make sure either we bring down Lynas or bring down this government. You change your decision or we change you.”

The movement has given the Najib administration 24 hours to respond. So far at around 5 pm, it looks like the Najib administration is going to ignore the demands, claiming it is still safe. I am quite certain that they are unwilling to cancel it because they are in desperation of money (a reason) and you must understand that there's big corporation control over the government decision making as well. Some in the party who has extreme views may see it as a challenge to the party's omnipotence. Definitely we are likely to see another round of protests soon.

It is also noted that many who turned up (as mentioned earlier) are the young generation. Rather than having the "Stop Lynas Save Malaysia" become merely words and slogan, the action must be translated into votes in General Elections. This means that there is a need to take the initiative to become a voter and turn the slogan to "Anything But UMNO". United Malays National Organisation is still having a chokehold on the naive, ignorant and low-knowledge people. The uncles and aunties in rural and otherwise will ultimately be the ones that will be selling the future generations away if they persist on ignorance or refusal to acknowledge the dangers that are to come.

Additional Material:

1. More photos taken on the ground
2. MobTV's news video coverage
3. Free Malaysia Today's report

Friday, February 24, 2012

Ketakutan Malaysia

I saw a post from Malaysia Chronicle (though I am told that it's Mr. who's mouthpiece) of a young Malay girl (The Girl in the Green Scarf) telling a Malay man spot on of the paranoia of society facing if there is a change of government later on. What the girl's answer to the man actually answers the points that knowledgeable people have been trying to tell to the naive.

Baru-baru ini saya post pendapat saya tentang politik di Malaysia di status facebook saya. Salah satu berbunyi; “Kebanyakkan rakyat takut untuk berubah kerana TAKUT hilangnya Melayu.” Saya petik sebuah syair Arab menyatakan, “sesebuah bangsa itu tidak akan hilang melainkan runtuhnya akhlak bangsa tersebut”.

Kemudian saya dapat satu private message di inbox Facebook saya menyatakan ketidakbersetujuan beliau dengan pendapat saya.

Pertama kali saya dapat komen private sebegini mungkin juga kerana ini pertama kali saya dengan terang-terangan menyatakan pendapat politik saya yang mentah ini. Saya menulis di sini kerana saya kira ianya tanggungjawab saya sebagai gadis berusia 24 tahun, mengambil jurusan undang-undang yang suka ambil tahu dan mencari maklumat untuk mengetahui kebenaran kerana saya tidak suka menerima apa yang disuap sahaja.

Dan semoga, jika Allah menyoal saya di akhirat kelak apa yang kamu lakukan untuk kebaikan Islam? Saya akan menjawab usaha saya yang satu ini untuk menyampaikan apa yang saya tahu supaya yang tidak tahu akan mengetahui dan pengetahuan saya tidak sia-sia. Sekurangnya saya berusaha.

Private message tersebut berbunyi berikut:

My opinion
Salam “gadis”, Melayu memerintah Kelantan sebagai sebuah negeri dalam Persekutuan tapi yg menjadi kekhuatiran ialah orang Bukan Melayu (DAP atau parti yang mengikut telunjuk DAP) memerintah Persekutuan...Uncle tak khuatir kalau Melayu memerintah Persekutuan tak kira parti apa asalkan Melayu.

DAP akan mengujudkan Malaysian Malaysia jika mereka memrintah, semua sama rata, tidak ada siapa yang mendapat keistimewaan. Orang Melayu lebih-lebih lagi di luar bandar masih belum boleh bersaing dengan bangsa asing seperti orang Cina terutama dalam bidang pendidikan & ekonomi.

Uncle tak risau langsung kalau PAS betul-betul kuat, memerintah tanpa perlu kerjasama dengan DAP.

Uncle menyokong Hudud... Sebagai orang Islam kita perlu sokong hukum Allah.

Keadaan dalam negara kita membimbangkan, orang Cina dah naik kepala, tanpa segan silu mempertikaikan keistimewaan orang Melayu, mengejek-ejek orang Melayu, secara terbuka di fb mengkritik orang Melayu. Uncle takut kita jadi seperti Singapura... Itu pandangan Uncle sebagai orang tua yang makan lebih sikit garam daripada orang muda seperti ”gadis”.... Uncle memikirkan nasib anak cucu uncle ... Nauzubillah orang Cina memerintah kita ...

Jawapan saya:
Ya, saya sangat bersetuju dengan pendapat uncle tersebut. Saya juga mempunyai kerisauan yang sama sebelum ini. Tetapi selepas saya lihat semua keadaan, meneliti semua maklumat, kenaikan suara orang Cina memang tidak dapat dibendung lagi.

Persoalan utama adalah tentang kebangkitan orang Cina yang akan menganggu gugat kedudukan orang Islam dan Melayu terutamanya. Seperti yang saya katakan tadi kebangkitan orang Cina tak dapat dibendung lagi terutama sokongan kepada DAP. Boleh dikatakan hampir 90 % daripada mereka menentang kerajaan. Oleh itu walau apa cara sekali pun, parlimen akan datang akan dipenuhi dengan orang Cina iaitu melalui kerusi-kerusi DAP dan mereka pasti akan memenangi kerusi tersebut dengan
sokongan penuh orang Cina sekarang ini.

SATU sahaja cara untuk membendung keberkuasaan orang Cina terhadap orang Melayu, iaitu orang-orang Melayu yang menyokong Umno sebelum ini menyokong PAS. Jika kita menyokong PAS bermakna PAS akan majoriti dalam Pakatan Rakyat.

Mengapa saya menyatakan begini? Di dalam Pakatan Rakyat, mereka telah membahagi-bahagikan kerusi antara PAS, PKR dan DAP. Seperti kita tahu kerusi PAS adalah sekitar 80 kerusi PKR sekitar 90 dan dan DAP cuma 42. Mengapa kerusi PAS dan PKR lebih banyak? Kerana penentuan kerusi ini adalah berdasarkan populasi penduduk. Untuk kawasan Melayu, diletakkan calon PAS dan untuk kawasan Cina diletakkan calon DAP manakala pengundi campuran adalah PKR. Kita juga tahu Melayu adalah majoriti di negara ini.

Sebab itu saya katakan, dengan satu cara sahaja untuk selamatkan keberkuasaan Melayu iaitu dengan cara semua orang Melayu mengundi PAS. Ini akan menyebabkan secara automatik majoriti kerusi parlimen akan dimenangi oleh orang Melayu melalui PAS. Dengan cara ini, Islam akan mampu mengubah keadaan parah Malaysia, bukanlah semata-mata untuk mencari kekayaan untuk keluarga sendiri seperti berlaku sekarang ini.

Bayangkan apa yang akan berlaku apabila orang Melayu terus mengundi Umno (kononnya untuk menjaga kepentingan Melayu) dalam pilihan raya umum nanti ketika orang Cina sudah mengundi Pakatan atau jelas DAP dan PKR.

Ketika itu, Umno akan menang sekitar 70 kerusi Melayu yang ditandinginya. PAS pula akan tinggal bawah 10 kerusi. DAP akan menang 40 kerusi yang ditandinginya manakala PKR akan menang 50 kerusi. Selebihnya dimenangi oleh parti-parti di Sabah dan Sarawak.

Bayangkan scenario yang berlaku ketika itu. Negara tidak stabil. Kalau BN menangpun dengan kerusi yang majoriti kecil, dan Pakatan pula menjadi pembangkang dengan kekalahan yang kecil. Negara seolah-olah dikuasai oleh Melayu sedangkan pembangkang adalah Cina sepenuhnya.

Negara tidak akan stabil. Malaysia akan menjadi sebuah negara yang politiknya bercorak dikotomi di mana kerajaan adalah Melayu manakala pembangkang pula Cina. Perkara ini adalah sangat tidak sihat kerana pentadbiran negara tidak akan fokus kepada mambawa kebaikan kepada semua pihak tetapi sesetengah pihak sahaja.

Namun perkara ini boleh diimbangi dengan mengundi PAS yang sudah tentu orang Melayu dan Islam yang betul-betul mahu membela Islam dan juga Melayu. Ketika itu, Cina yang menyokong DAP akan bergabung bersama dengan Melayu yang menyokong PAS dan PKR dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Inilah formula kestabilan Barisan Nasional (BN) sebelum ini. Suasana kestabilan di bawah BN tidak boleh berlaku lagi kerana Cina sudah tidak bersama dengan BN kerana mereka menolak politik Umno.

Tidak terfikirkah betapa orang PAS dan saya sendiri sayangkan bangsa saya, Melayu. Semua orang sayang akan bangsa mereka sendiri termasuk Cina, India dan lain-lain. Tetapi saya musykil betul kah Umno sayangkan Melayu itu sendiri atau sekadar gah dengan PERKASA

Terlalu banyak pembelotan yang dilakukan Umno kepada orang Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia sehingga kini. Tidak terfikirkah mengapa Cina begitu tegar menentang kerajaan BN sekarang? Tidak sedarkah kenapa mereka menuntut hak itu?

Tidak sedarkah bahawa mereka menuntut hak tersebut KETIKA pemerintahan sekarang yang mengamalkan ketidakadilan, kronisme, penipuan dan rasuah. Sebab mereka sudah muak dengan sikap pemerintahan BN di mana bagi saya sangat melampau cara mereka menggunakan wang negara (sila rujuk laporan audit negara).

Malaysia sangat kaya dengan gas, sawit, emas, getah, timah, dan banyak lagi, tetapi masih ramai lagi rakyat yang sangat miskin. Sedangkan negara kita kaya tetapi di sebabkan pemerintah yang tidak menguruskan negara dengan betul, Malaysia menjadi sekadar sebuah negara kroni sahaja.

Jika dibandingkan dengan negara Arab Saudi yang jauh lebih berkebajikan walhal sumber hasil mereka cuma petrol dan gas tetapi mereka berjaya memberi pendidikan percuma, air percuma, harga minyak yang murah dan lain-lain keperluan asas rakyat yang wajib di penuhi pemerintah. KENAPA BUKAN MALAYSIA?

Tentu Uncle fikir, kenapalah saya beriya sangat dengan politik ini sedangkan saya masih mentah? Sebelum ni saya tidak berapa kisah tentang politik. Bagi saya semua politik sama, ada kepentingan dan kotor. Tetapi tidak perasankah kita betapa teruknya gejala sosial sekarang dan Malaysia kita seperti tiada Islam lagi.

Masyarakat sekarang dibentuk dengan hiburan yang berlebihan, sukakan hiburan, sistem pemerintahan yang tiada tarbiyah langsung terhadap masyarakat menyebabkan anak luar nikah dan zina tidak terbendung, terasa tidak selamat di negara sendiri dengan kadar jenayah yang meningkat, dan paling menyedihkan tiada lagi akhlak di kalangan kebanyakan anak muda yang bakal memimpin negara.

Saya berfikir, dengan apakah supaya negara ini berubah? Saya mencari punca kenapakah negara ini menjadi sebegini rupa? Cuma satu penyelesaian saya jumpa iaitu dengan BERUBAH. Berubahnya cara pemerintahan negara dengan mengubah pemerintah tersebut. Untuk berubah, hanya dengan mekanisme politik dapat mengubah tampuk pemerintahan tersebut.

Tahukah bahawa semua kerusi ibu negeri di setiap negeri sekarang seperti Kuantan, Shah Alam, Alor Star, Ipoh, Seremban, Melaka dan lain-lain ibu sudah dimenangi Pakatan Rakyat kecuali Arau sahaja yang tidak dimenangi? Mengapa mereka yang berada di kawasan membangun ini memilih untuk
berubah dan tidak di lain kawasan?

Kerana mereka cakna dengan maklumat dan boleh mengakses maklumat dengan menggunakan teknologi yang ada dan tidak menerima bulat-bulat apa yang disampaikan oleh media utama seperti mana yang dimahukan kerajaan.

Ketahuilah, kebanyakan masyarakat sekarang mengalami KETAKUTAN disebabkan media. Saya gelar itu sebagai ‘media freak’ kerana media sering memomokkan betapa Melayu akan hilang dengan berubahnya tampuk pemerintah. Tidakkah anda sedar bahawa sistemnya masih sama di mana di dalam BN, terdapat MCA dan MIC manakala di dalam PR terdapat PAS, PKR dan DAP. Namun keduanya amat berbeza dari segi perjuangan iaitu BN memperjuangkan kronisme manakala PR memperjuangkan kebajikan dan keadilan untuk rakyat. Merujuk kepada buku Jingga iaitu tawaran daripada PR, tiada apa yang berbeza dengan keistimewaan hak orang Melayu di mana mereka masih mengiktiraf hak keistimewaan orang Melayu dan Islam sebagai sebagai agama rasmi, kedudukan raja-raja Melayu dan juga bahasa Kebangsaan sebagai bahasa rasmi.

Kenapa masih takut? Takut bahawa PAS akan ikut telunjuk DAP? Ia akan berlaku kalau PAS minority tetapi jika PAS majority dalam kerajaan berkenaan, DAP akan mengikut telunjuk PAS.

Jika anda lihat debat antara DAP dan MCA, anda akan lihat siapa yang mengikut telunjuk siapa selama ini. Kata Chua Soi Lek presiden MCA; “Kita orang Cina berani menentang Umno terutama dalam bab hudud, adakah DAP berani dalam hal ini?” kemudian Lim Guan Eng, Setiausaha DAP menjawab; “Kita orang DAP tidak boleh menghalang kepercayaan orang Islam dalam hal agama mereka, begitu juga orang PAS tidak pernah menghalang dalam bab agama kita”. Anda bijak, anda yang menilainya.

Bukankah Allah sudah berjanji Islam itu rahmatan lil a’lamin (rahmat untuk seluruh alam) tidak kira bangsa dan agama. Kenapa perlu terlalu takut? Takut dikatakan tidak mengenang jasa? Bukankah sememangnya tanggungjawab kerajaan untuk membina negara? Tapi negara seperti apakah yang sedang di bina sekarang? Negara korupsi dan kronisme?

Kata akhir saya, jadilah warga yang CAKNA. Jangan sekadar menerima apa yang disuap, dapatkan juga maklumat lain supaya kita dapat membuat perbandingan dan menilai dengan bijak. Selainnya, terserah pada semua untuk membuat pilihan.

Sekian, maaf jika saya yang sekadar memerhati dan masih mentah ini menyinggung mana-mana pihak.

Are The Cops Working For The People or UMNO?

This Sunday's simultaneous rallies across the country against the Lynas plant.

It is on that day it will be the latest round that we shall see whether the police's really working for the people or for political interests. If protesters are arrested but carrying no-weapons that can harm others, then the country's heading to the wrong direction.

Remember Bersih 2? There are tons of evidence of wrong conduct by bad apples of the police force. Maybe this video can remind everyone about it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How Long Will We Remain Ignorant or Stupid?

“The answer is education and knowledge. I tell them of my own experience in the past when (former prime minister Tun) Dr Mahathir Mohamad said to me — Jeffrey, do not teach the people what they don’t know.

“Let them be ignorant ... so that they can be manipulated and controlled. This is the federal attitude, you know,” he said.

-- Dr. Jeffrey Kittingan, (STAR Joins Crowded Battle for Sabah, 21 Feb 2012)

This statement above underlines what prominent writer and activist Hishamuddin Rais and a few others have been saying for the last few years of the "Projek Pembodohan" - making people stupid and keeping them in the dark over national matters. The still Official Secrets Act coupled with other outdated laws like Sedition Act suppresses the inquisitive nature of Malaysians are entitled to.

To this day, many people are still unaware of bad things happening in our nation. The present education system - primary and secondary levels are still based on memorizing things instead of teaching them to go more than what is available, EQ sorely lacking. That is why though many have excelled in subjects, they still do not have the sufficient forte and ability to face real-world situations.

From Jeffrey's statement above, the ones that are victims of manipulation and cheat are those in the rural area. UMNO is banking on people's ignorance and lack of knowledge so that they can remain in power. That's what has been happening over the last 30 years or so.

Sometimes we ask other people why they support a party that has a corruption record although they know what they do is wrong. Most of the answers they get is that are either afraid or they felt that the coalition is the only one that guarantees national stability. In every situation, there is always more than one solution to a problem, depending on what kind of result is being expected.

If you have seen some pictures featuring people holding banners refusing to listen to alternative options presented by the opposition, then you know that those people are totally ignorant, butter-up and lack of intelligence. The lack of knowledge is why many leaders, clerics and even low-level citizens behave in a very crude and immature manner. 

If they have been exposed and enlightened with many things, it means the end of the present mob group called UMNO. Making people stupid and ignorant is the one main reason I get very angry at that party and I really wanted to see them crushed / trampled to the ground in the next election.

I have enjoyed reading my friend Aspan's writings about the problems in UMNO and the need for Malaysia to change its brand of politics after 55 years of Merdeka. But the problem is whether people will remain ignorant or stupid about the facts above?

It is democratic to let people decide of their choice, but the one question we should ask before deciding is at what cost will you let them continue? Does it include forsaking our children / grand-children's future at the hands of a bunch of old men?

Look at the BBC article reporting how Goldman Sachs masking Greece's real debt. The government will never likely a bad news they first encountered out to the public masses fearing of people panic, and painting a bad image on themselves. But no amount of hiding under the carpet will keep themselves away from the chopping block someday.  

Finally, this video below featuring Hishamuddin Rais underlines Jeffrey's statement.

Friday, February 17, 2012

ExcludingThe Religion Factor

I have no religion, and at times I wish all religions at the bottom of the sea. He is a weak ruler who needs religion to uphold his government; it is as if he would catch his people in a trap. My people are going to learn the principles of democracy, the dictates of truth and the teachings of science. Superstition must go. Let them worship as they will; every man can follow his own conscience, provided it does not interfere with sane reason or bid him against the liberty of his fellow-men.


It is claimed that religious unity is also a factor in the formation of nations. Whereas, we see the contrary in the Turkish nation. Turks were a great nation even before they adopted Islam. This religion did not help the Arabs, Iranians, Egyptians and others to unite with Turks to form a nation. Conversely, it weakened the Turks’ national relations; it numbed Turkish national feelings and enthusiasm. This was natural, because Mohammedanism was based on Arab nationalism above all nationalities. 

 - Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938)

Kemal Ataturk, as the founding father of Turkey has consistently insisted on racial integration of all races to form a united Turkey. One of the things to ensure proper racial relations and integration is the to forbid the religion factor from interfering with the governance of the nation, but still gives people the opportunity to worship as they will. (see the first quote, which he said in July 1917.)

Lately, I have been observing series of events and news that have been somewhat related to the subject, for instance the moral snoop squad on the Malay people who celebrate Valentine's day. Many people, including those non-Malays who were unwillingly dragged into the religious affair found this as a direct invasion of their privacy. This is for instance is a case where a people of their own religion were held against to act on their free will and conscience, as well as interfering with logic.

What I don't really understand is in Malaysia that religion is factored in governance. Many people have felt that this has already been considered as discriminating and considered bias. The survey by Merdeka Center, as reported by The Malaysian Insider today (see chart above) shows that there is a close tie and many non-Malays in particular felt themselves being treated second-class. Even the Malay counterparts have the same feeling but in a different story, but the same thing in common: religion radicalism in politics, lack of chance to express freedom. You can say that many young people are really worried of the problems mentioned below:

Worst still, there have been calls by the local Muslim clerics to draw up a line of regulations of interacting between Muslims and non-Muslims. This already doesn't make sense and against logic. If a disease spreads to everyone without recognizing the person's skin color or descendant then the statement above is going against reasoning and logic. In fact, this is one way complete racial integration among other races in Malaysia can't and will never happen successfully. It in fact, on the contrary will alienate more people from other relations from meeting and interacting together merely because of the many illogical and superstitious restrictions imposed on them. From the beginning Malaysia is always intended to be a secular country with one official religion, customs of all races respected and retained but never to the extent that the religion factor will be stamping on other pillars of the nation

Simply put, it will not make people to discern, reason and think but it ultimately makes people inferior and subservient to something that is against their own conscience. What is clearly understood is that each mainstream religion encourages people to do good and does not use compulsion on mankind - which is you can force something on to them, but instead it is up to a person to decide. Whether or not a person will do it or not, it is the person that will bear the consequences of their actions. Intervention and interference in the name of religion.

Ataturk was right on in one line: Conversely, it weakened the Turks’ national relations; it numbed Turkish national feelings and enthusiasm. Looking at France and Singapore as case of examples, how can a nation push for good racial integration where the purpose of the nation precedes others in proper and good policy implementation? Race and religion will have to come into the lowest of all rungs and factors - whereas the right to practice faiths will still be allowed for it's a man's right. Simply travel to a well advanced nation e.g in Europe, Australia, America, etcc and ask someone there whether if religion is factored into implementing and execution of a government policy. Not likely. 

I am certain that if Tunku were still around, Tunku could have agreed that things have gone wrong. Many who have seen or met Tunku in the flesh would definitely noticed or testified how Tunku lived a simple life while running the country during his tenure. Keeping things simple and short is definitely better than making too many things complex and difficult like what we're seeing it right now. 

I once recalled reading about Patton and his view on race and nationality. It was very identical to what Ataturk mentioned above and he summarized the flaw of Islam (he read the Quran during his North Africa tour of operations) in fatalism (leaving it to fate / takdir) and utter degradation of women, and that he said was the cause of arrested development in Arab. (see Patton's Wikipedia entry). Notice this line from Ataturk's quote in parallel: This was natural, because Mohammedanism was based on Arab nationalism above all nationalities. Does our Malay Supremacy thing parallel what is said?

As an afterthought, I am aware that some people are not willing to take this commentary because of criticism involving the religion factor but by looking far ahead, Malaysia cannot afford to be in this position of having religion factor interfering with nation building. There is a need to give and take at one another, but so far, we've seen one side giving for others but another unwilling to give but only take because of the thinking that their side monopolies most aspects of Malaysian life. 

I suppose we have been too familiar with the "shut up, no questions and listen" routine that anyone tries to point out or try to talk an issue out of this is met with brickbats by the group of butter-up boys. Antagonizing religion was never part of it but given of the indirect holier than thou bragging that hits the news almost everyday, this has to be put into doubt and question. As said before, there have been unhappy faces at times branding me an infidel but sometimes those accused turned out to be behaving themselves better than those who accused.

Eventually, the issue and events above draws down to the few questions risen from examining the problem:

1. How will Malaysia's racial integration be successful if there is constant religious interference & bias?
2. How will we let the people able to use logic, think properly if we keep hawking down on them and never give them the space to maneuver and act on their free will? 
3. Is it really that our national enthusiasm, feelings and relationship with our country blood siblings strained because of this factor imposed on us by those who believe to be acting on behalf of the religion?  

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Fishy Feeling of An Ambitious Gamble

If I am to put the Sara1M scheme, the Public Low House Scheme and the 1Care system together through an element in column, I must say that it is a very high-risk gamble with the results can be suicidal. One thing I was certainly weary of the Sara1M is that the returns, which PNB claims to give a returns up to 32% of the investment, sounds familiar. It's not as the same as your often heard "get-rich-quick" scheme, but in impression, it is more of a ponzi scheme because of its high-yield investment programs. Another thing is that there was understood expectation that the more money poured into it the longer the scheme can go.

The real potential danger of one scheme like this, though it sounds very appealing in nature is that in the period where the investment slows down and should such problem happens unexpectedly / unanticipated - e.g market catastrophe in Europe / America, the target of returns in the space of 5 years as what PNB claims to be would not be met. Thus, in reaction, people who may have invested in it might ask where are the returns asked? Have we not remembered what happen to the Madoff ponzi scheme scandal?

The 1Care system has met with many brickbats from many people including those from the medical sector. A simple logic will allow us to distinguish the difference of using a insurance medical card vs paying to the 1Care. The problem is that if you are healthy, you are penalized by paying 10% of your monthly gross salary. This already counts alongside paying your 11% EPF, SOSCO and even paying a PCB to the Inland Revenue Board.

The annual premium of a young working professional from the age of 21-40 is usually within the range of RM600 to RM800 annually which compared to paying 10% every month is basically paying 1/6th of the monthly pay. Many insurance companies, aware of the people's need to have proper healthcare have offered a medical card with the reasonable premium,  when divided by a monthly basis seem to make decent sales out of it and from the customer's point of view, much better than paying 10% and get nothing out of it.

And here we are, the government wants to use the people's retirement fund to fund the housing loan scheme whereas it is supposedly using their own side of the money, not people's money to do it. What Tony Pua and Nurul Izzah said of masking the real debts from people is true and of course this breaks the statement from Najib "Haji Express" saying that days of "gomen know best" is already over. And the mainstream media still remains willing to be prostituted over the fear of reprimanding by the Home Ministry although the facts have been wrong and economic data to skewed to please, Enron style.

All these three things point to one thing in common: there is a hidden acknowledgement that the government is already out of money and to keep it alive they had to loan (in confidentiality) money from lenders like IMF / World Bank and other countries with mass reserves. 

If any of us have watched some Hong Kong serial dramas or movies, you have seen a man in bad finances would desperately try to repay the loan sharks by undertaking more loans and do a desperate gamble hoping to win back money plus surplus to save himself. That is what BN is doing now. Obviously they won't dare to do it because truth can scare and cause panic across the country. As of 2011, the debt stands at RM456 billion, which if you are to recuperate back the money, how would you do it?
Simple: bond selling. my intuition is that Sara1M is like selling bonds, hoping if things get better they pay back the invested money plus interest. 1Care includes those who do not pay income taxes as if their monthly pay is below RM2500, but still paying 21 percent of contribution not counting SOSCO and PCB can still be considered burdening since the annual inflation rate stands at 6.8 per year. And it is considered a wild gamble to stake the monies like EPF funds into a foreign fund hoping if the fund hits high, another high return of investment from the base money would return.

There have been warnings that the world economy is not going to be like in the last 20 years or so but it could prolonged until early next decade. Sad to say I am not verse in economics to predict that but it clearly implies it will be a very disastrous move to gamble people's money and ending up bankrupt by 2019, if what Idris Jala says is true all the round.


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