Saturday, October 31, 2009
Project Natal
In Light of Jumping Frogs in Politics
In most essays that he wrote, Hisham consented the use.
Though I may not agree with some of his views in extreme, but it makes sense.
Meninggalkan sesebuah parti politik dan memasuki parti politik yang lain bukan satu yang aneh. Ini adalah sebahagian dari amalan hak kebebasan untuk memilih. Menukar parti ini bukan hanya berlaku di Malaysia. Dimana-mana saja kita akan mendengar atau membaca ada orang politik, ada ahli parlimen atau menteri yang berubah parti.
Biasanya seseorang akan meninggalkan parti atau memasuki ke dalam parti politik yang lain kerana tidak bersetuju dengan dasar yang dibawa oleh partinya. Dia tidak ingin lagi menjadi ahli atau tidak mahu menjadi wakil rakyat parti itu.
Parlimen British adalah tuang dan acuan parlimen kita. Justeru untuk sesama mendewasakan politik kita maka saya akan memberi contoh dari Parlimen British. Negara Mat Saleh inilah yang telah mewujudkan kosep Parlimen, konsep Raja Berpelembagaan dan konsep lembaga Dewan Rakyat dan Dewan Negara yang kita ikuti semenjak tahun 1957 hingga ke hari ini.
Pada tahun 2003 George Galloway telah dibuang dari Parti Buruh Britain kerana tidak bersetuju dengan dasar Tony Blair yang bersekongkol dengan George Bush untuk melancarkan perang ke atas Iraq. Galloway menubuhkan parti baru untuk bertanding kembali dan dia menang. Pada Disember 2005 YB George Galloway pernah datang ke seminar untuk mengembangkan sikap Anti Zionis di Kuala Lumpur sebagai ahli parlimen Britain.
Ertinya susuk yang bernama George Galloway ini berperinsip. Dia mengambil sikap anti-perang,anti-Zionis dan menyokong perjuangan adil rakyat Arab. Dia meninggalkan parti politiknya kerana prinsip anti-perang. Susuk ini beralih parti bukan kerana duit, ringgit atau dinar. Dia meninggalkan parti politik kerana dasar yang tidak dipersetujui.
Ini amat jauh berbeza dari apa yang kita lihat sedang dan akan berlaku dalam negara kita.
Jangan salah faham dan jangan salah nilai. Meninggalkan Barisan Nasional dan masuk ke dalam Pakatan Rakyat TIDAK sama dengan keluar dari Pakatan Rakyat untuk memasuki atau mencampuri Barisan Nasional. Dua pekara yang dilihat serupa tetapi TIDAK sama. Ada perbezaan yang amat ketara seperti petai dengan kerayong.
Tidak boleh disamakan perjuangan Yasser Arafat mengangkat senjata dengan Monshe Dayan yang juga mengangkat senjata. Tidak boleh di samakan Che Geuvera yang meninggalkan Cuba dengan Thaksin yang meninggalkan Thailand. Tidak boleh di samakan Nelson Mandela yang di penjara dengan Razak Baginda yang juga di penjara.
Ada nilai salah dan ada nilai benar di sini. Yang salah tetap salah dan yang benar tetap benar. Kebenaran tetap benar bukan bersangkut paut dengan pandangan majoriti atau pandangan minoriti.
Pada satu ketika dahulu majoriti menganggap dunia ini leper. Pasa satu ketika dahulu majoriti menganggap matahari berpusing mengelilingi bumi. Garam di mana-mana pun di letakan tetap masin. Air tetap H2O – dua molikul hydrogen dan satu molikul oxygen – walau pun ditemui di bintang Marikh. Kebenaran terus wujud sama ada ditenggelami oleh majoriti atau di tengelami oleh minoriti
Meninggalkan kejahatan dan kemungkaran adalah betul walau pun kejahatan dan kemungkaran itu masih di miliki dan di sanjung majoriti. Yang zalim tetap zalim walau pun di dondang sayangi oleh majoriti. Yang jahat tetapt jahat. Yang menipu tetap menipu walau pun mereka di baluti oleh kuasa.
Apabila Yaseer Arafat bangun melawan tentera Isreal, kita tidak boleh disamakan dengan Ehud Barack menyerang gerila Palestin. Satu berjuang untuk menghapuskan kezaliman dan menegakkan kebenaran. Dan yang satu lagi menyerang untuk meneruskan kemungkaran dan kezaliman.
Justeru jika ada ahli Gerombolan atau wakil rakyat United Malays National Organisation yang meninggalkan gerombolan mereka dan memasuki Pakatan Rakyat, kita anggap langkah ini adalah satu tindakan yang revolusiner. Mereka meninggalkan kejahatan dan menerima kebenaran. Ini satu tindakan yang di hormati.
Tindakan ahli atau wakil rakyat United Malays National Organistion ini sama seperti tindakan warga Isreal yang lari dari Tel Aviv datang ke Gaza untuk mempertahankan hak rakyat Palestin.
Justeru, kita semua wajib menggalakan dan membantu ahli-ahli gerombolan United Malays National Organisation dan para sekutu dari Barisan Nasional untuk meninggalkan gerombolan mereka dan datang memasuki Pakatan Rakyat. Ini samalah seperti Hamas, Fatah atau Hisbullah yang mengalakkan warga-warga Isreal meninggalkan fahaman Zionis mereka dan datang membantu perjuangan adil rakyat Palestin.
Adalah tidak salah jika kita lari dari kegelapan dan kejahilan untuk datang mencari cahaya keilmuan. Justeru, jika ada ahli-ahli gerombolan United Malays National Organisation yang berbuat demikian maka mereka dianggap berperinsip dalam perjuangan.
Lihat bagaimana sambutan dan sentimen rakyat apabila seorang wakil rakyat gerombolan United Malays National Organisation masuk ke dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Seluruh rakyat Malaysia mengalu-alukan. Lihat pula sepuluh hari kemudian apabila tiga orang wakil rakyat Pakatan Rakyat pergi mencampuri ( hanya mencampuri ) bukan menjadi ahli – mereka semua di kutuk dan di maki hamun.
Lihat betapa jauh bezanya sentimen orang ramai. Ini samalah seperti seorang warga Arab Palestin yang membelot membantu regim Zionis di Tel Aviv. Sumpah seranah tidak akan putus-putus.
Perhatikan pula, ketika wakil rakyat dari Gerombolan datang ke saf Pakatan Rakyat – susuk ini tidak di culik. Tidak di kurung. Tidak ditawarkan harta , dolar, ringgit dan dinar. Tidak ada apa-apa yang dijanjikan kecuali untuk menerima dasar Pakatan Rakyat. Dan menerima konsep Ketuanan Rakyat.
Lihat pula bagaimana tiga orang wakil-wakil rakyat Pakatan yang pergi mencampuri Gerombolan. Beberapa hari mereka hilang entah kemana. Apabila muncul kembali mereka mula bijak berdulak dalik. Sekejap kata ‘yes’ sekejap kata ‘no’. Cakap-cakap mereka, tindak tanduk mereka tidak jauh bezanya dari warga Palestin yang sedang belot dan bersubahat dengan Zionis Isreal.
Apabila pembelotan terbongkar dan dilakukan siasatan rapi akan terbukti semua yang belot dan bersubahat dengan regim Zionis ini dibayar dan di upah. Mereka memiliki masalah pribadi seperti mencari makan menjual dadah, menjalankan pelacuran atau menggelapkan harta Majlis Tempatan. Tidak ada seorang pun warga Palestin yang belot bekerja untuk Zionis Isreal seorang yang jujur, ikhlas dan berperinsip. Ini samalah seperti wakil-wakil rakyat Pakatan yang ‘mencampuri’ gerombolan Untited Malays National Organisation – mereka memiliki masaalah.
Perhatikan temu bual media dengan mereka yang belot – sama ada di Perak atau Palestin. Tidak ada sepatah pun ayat-ayat dari mulut mereka yang mengatakan mereka beralih pegangan kerana prinsip perjuangan. Betul, mereka ada menyebut-nyebut nama Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Ini hanyalah sebagai kelongsong.
Mereka tidak akan lakukan tindakan berprinsip untuk meletakan jawatan seperti George Galloway yang tidak mengucapkan nama Yang Maha Esa atau memakai jubah agama. Mereka tidak akan berani menguji kekuatan mereka dengan undi rakyat.
Memang tidak salah bertukar parti. Bertukar dari kumpulan jahat ke kumpulan baik adalah satu tindakan berprinsip. Tetapi bertukar dari kumpulan baik masuk ke Gerombolan jahat ialah kerja orang gila yang akan di kutuk rakyat selama-lamanya.(TT)
Friday, October 30, 2009
I Doubt I'd Send My Children to NS With This Incident
But why not here? Maybe Malaysia needs an Anniyan to teach the irresponsible a lesson, harsh one.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Perak Farce Like Those School Days :-D
Doesn't make sense? Not really. I can relate something that maybe the one student gang called the BN did which I sometimes wanted to laugh about. In fact what Ganesan did the day before the farce - two things contain there within reminded me of how childish can BN and this guy be like:
1. No phone calls, no smses, no twittering..that means afraid of the real story coming out? Too bad. There are videos out that show the fracas there. If I were to put it to CNN, then it's another Kartika reporting on the international media that 'akan memalukan' gerombolan BN.
Note: Just look at those videos that Malaysiakini put up. Here's one for example.
2. BN assemblyman first to come in, first to come out. There's only one reason, to make sure BN gets the seat that PR was meant to seat on. If the level playing field is even, I doubt that either party will seat down and get on with their business. And in fact there will be squabbling between two 'murid-murid' in the classroom.
And I say that the scuffles and shouting matches in the assembly is like being in a classroom where murid-murid will sometimes shout, squabble while the teacher is on the way into the classroom to start their lesson. No need for me to elaborate more.
S.E Hinton's novel The Outsiders - made into a movie by Francis Coppola - was a very popular novel for junior-high and high school students, in the story focuses on two rival student groups fighting over one another. That thing carries similarly to what PR and BN is doing in Perak right now, with the deadlock still not yet broken as sadly Sultan Azlan refuses to intervene and set the playing field level.
On one occasion schoolkid Pakatan refuses to sit down with BN. If we count all together, we can see how many times, the Barisan Nasional behaves like primary school kids. And hey, sulking, school kid group BN calls a 'big man' in their group to remove Sivakumar's speaker robe by force.
And when the assembly resumed at 11.30 a.m, there's the atmosphere like bickering in a classroom. But schoolkid BN has been caught behaving like mama's boy. How? Okay...maybe calling cops in to intervene, having a cop dragging an assemblyman or remove the speaker robe by force, you know....
True, the Dacing faction has been pretty immature at most of the time. But hey even the PR are sometimes immature. But PR behaves better than BN..with Hee (Jelapang still boos her until now). I remembered where Tajol, having enough of being the state BN, calling it quit, with Najib taking over, it is like the schoolkid calling his / her mama. Big Mama that is.
I don't want to go more already, but I am still amused of how today's show was like being back in primary school Standard 6, with free time (apart from lessons and after UPSR exams) getting to play things that we are entitled before we are off to secondary school. And that was around this time of the year, with less than 3 weeks away from school holidays....
Perhaps Mamak Zambry and his cohorts should look at their own side in addition to calling PR as drama queen first of all.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Beware: PKR Might Not Be What It Seems!
This was from yesterday where much to the people's disappointment, Anwar wanted someone else other than Jeffrey Kittingan (a very good choice) to lead the Sabah division of PKR. Instead, he picked Thamrin Zaini to lead.
A few weeks ago, my PKR insider man warned me of such thing is to occur. The event above indirectly illustrated / or spells out to what he said that Anwar intends to do: replace all state division heads with those of his loyalists. As if Thamrin Zaini is not enough, the Penang state division chief, Zahrain was replaced by the Penanti assemblyman cum Anwar loyalist, Mansor Othman.
Of course, replacing division heads with those of his own is part of Anwar's possible long term elaborate plan to reach his personal goal / intention. When I asked what plan he wants to do, my insider said that the plan was pretty grim and I can sum up is that it is tantamount to 1982 or taking a U-turn to pre-reformasi days. But I will not go on here, except to let you figure how it could end.
And this infighting plays a part of why Zaid decides to take a six-months leave of absence.
As if that does not convince, my source pointed out to refer to two alternate pieces of worth reading.
On October 14, during the first day of the UMNO general assembly, Khairy called Anwar a political chameleon, manipulated Malaysians with rhetorics and vowed stop him from going to Putrajaya. This is the first caution that people should thread on.
Two days, later, fellow blogger Sakmongkol wrote about Resizing Anwar. Why would Anwar ease up on Altantuya or his Sodomy II case? After further elaboration, this also indirectly hints of the caution that people should thread on. I bumped to him yesterday at Bangsar and told him about his writing.
A few questions on whether you might want to consider again of being leaning towards PKR or otherwise.
1. Do you know that PKR is the weakest link in Perak and Penang?
2. Why is Anwar acting as if he owns the party by interjecting many things whereas he is only a party advisor? He is not a member nor a president.
3. Why is Anwar remaining silent over the Altantuya issue - he used to say it pre-2008 GE, but not now?
4. Some of you have heard of Anwar visiting Najib two or three times. Why?
5. Zul Noordin should have been suspended but Anwar stopped it. Why?
On the long term goal, both sides of the coalition, the Barisan and Pakatan would suffer considerable losses. It's likely due to people leap-frogging to one coalition or another and it is also said that in addition to others, there would be mass political casualties. All I know that one notable victim of political casualty could come out and it could be Muhyiddin.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Flashback: Altantuya! Altantuya! Altantuya!

As an anecdote, the last few gruesome murders that I remembered were the Nurin child murder, Canny Ong's and the worst was the Raub Mazlan Ahmad murder.
Despite the accused killers, two accused policeman from the Special Action Forces, found being guilty, many believe that the real justice is not served. Instead, many people were made to believe by the writings of the major dailies by having the two accused killers hanged, things will go back to normal.
People in France, Mongolia and elsewhere are still unconvinced of the outcome of the trial. The trial was a disgrace, shammed and rigged. And the real perpetrator of the murder is among us. In fact, there is plan to have the case brought to The Hague.
The murder actually remains unresolved to this day and a few people knew who actually did it. Where is the justice now? It's three years already.
But the problem lies on when the 'smoking gun' comes out. If the smoking gun is revealed, 1Malaysia is over, finished and whatever that is laid down goes down to the drain.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Clean Up Or Get Out.
"My message to you, people of Hell's Kitchen is this...clean up or get out." - Daredevil, Hardcore
The Pakatan Rakyat has gone into cleanup mode. On Sabah and Sarawak, the KL centre has acceded to the wishes of the state divisions to have their local leaders to become heads. In Sarawak, they already have Baru Bian to head the state level PKR. Somewhat better than having the PKR man from HQ to run. In Sabah, word is that they want Jeffrey Kittingan to run the state division, which is a good thing. It averts things from getting things to worse.
They say that if an eagle wishes to live longer, it must bear the pain of shedding the existing feathers in order to grow it again and live longer. And so this is what PKR and PAS especially must do. PAS has got the ball rolling with Nik Aziz wanting an EGM with the intention of throwing those loose cannons that could jeopardize the pact between DAP and PKR. PR has been criticized and being derailed due to the actions of several loose cannons like Hassan Ali and PKR's Zulkifli Noordin.
Coming to Zul, the problem is that his actions tend to go outside the bounds of Pakatan. Earlier on, the disciplinary division of the party have recommended of suspending Zul but Anwar said of dealing with him personally.
As the people's mantra on this says: Clean up or get out of my face.
Zaid Ibrahim said the other day that he wants to concentrate on forming a common framework to be used by the three parties. What Zul say would equals to throwing work down the drain before they start walking the talk.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Santa Najib's Goodies For 2010...But Credit Card's a Problem
1. Personal relief from 8000 to 9000
2. Broadband relief of $500 cap for three years - can cover at least half of total paid per year.
3. EPF / Insurance coverage up to $7000 from $6000
4. Rate cut to 26%.
Okay, fine it's okay. But politically, speaking, it's Big Mama and Santa Najib's giving out the Christmas goodies in exchange for the support to the BN government thing. Hold your horses and look at this piece:
Pegawai kanan Kementerian Kewangan dikatakan semakin gusar dengan campurtangan Rosmah Mansor, isteri Perdana Menteri, dalam urusan Perbendaharaan Negara, termasuk penyediaan Belanjawan 2010 dan pemberian kontrak dan tender kerajaan.
Sumber-sumber kerajaan berkata campurtangan itu sudah di "tahap kritikal' dengan Rosmah mempertikaikan keputusan tertentu Muhyyiddin Yassin dan Ketua Setiausaha Negara Mohd Sidek Hassan.
Campurtangan Rosmah itu tidak menerima sebarang teguran daripada Najib walaupun beliau adalah juga Menteri Kewangan.
Sumber-sumber memberitahu Suara Keadilan, Rosmah menaruh minat yang amat mendalam terhadap penyediaan Bajet 2010 yang akan dibentangkan oleh Perdana Menteri di Parlimen pada sesi Persidangan Dewan Rakyat 23 Oktober depan.
So it's literally Big Mama's goodies for the year of 2010.
The one thing about credit cards? $50 per card service charge annually.
Dang...the problem is that the banks are also charging the annual fee. If your card is charged an annual fee by the bank, and you pay another $50 per card, then I think it's like a riba - asking more of a pound of flesh. That will be a problem. Unless if banks say that the annual fee that you pay, $50 of the amount will be part of it...fine, but an addition to that will make users complain.
Let's just see whether people will complain about that.
Musa Hassan, Hamid Albar and Hisham Hussein In Trouble?
Note: Application being lodged is TBC as of now.
Source: (here)
In what may yet turn out to be an unprecedented bold act by a Human Rights group to reverse the fortunes of a much persecuted minority community, Malaysia’s Tamils ( and other minorities including Indonesian illegal workers), a leading British Queens Counsel (QC) has been briefed and has agreed to take on prosecution of the current serving Inspector General of Police, his immediate predecessor in office, Malaysia’s former Minister of Home Affairs (Syed Hamid Albar) and the current incumbent in that position Hishamuddin Tun Hussein Onn for crimes against humanity, the gross violation of Human Rights in Malaysia (extra judicial killings) and for torture.
Under the new doctrine of Justice and Accountability, a principle that seeks to end impunity for sovereign offenders believed to be responsible for the commission of or abetting of offences that violate Human Rights, the current action (if confirmed) would indicate that “the tail has finally found the muscle and coordinates to wag the proverbial dog” in Malaysia where Tamils have historically faced systemic and systematic persecution and marginalisation at the hands of a race based government.
My note: If this is true, then the three are in big trouble. I bet that APCO, the PR company employed by the government has to come in to clean this mess, as well as improving Najib's PR image. The curse and the sins of what they did finally could hit them back.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
In The Capital, You Can't Question. In Perak You Can.
But in reality, I call it inconsistency and contradiction. Both federal state constitutions stated that decisions in Parliament cannot be challenged in the court of law. Okay, fine I agree that Gobind Singh still gets barred but entitled for the pay as the MP, but somehow, I still find it hard to agree with the JC's opinion.
Looking at what was mentioned on 14 April, 6 months ago where the Federal Court allowed the challenge by Mamak Zambry, I find that there's something not right behind the veil. If the state Constuition can't allowed Sivakumar's decision (prior to his forced removal) to be contested that means, it's typically still a 28 vs 18 thing, if the suspension stands.
When the Federal Court allowed that thing, I still held conviction over the belief that the outcome was rigged by the political masters for they would not want to squander their ill-gotten gains. Any idiot, who might not be able to understand can understand that in another simple terms. If the Speaker who is a BN throws off a opposition MP, they would stand by the speaker. If a Barisan Nasional MP / ADUN gets thrown out or suspended, the verdict is definitely in favor of the BN MP. Rigging, right..... I know if the lose something they won back, then the one who gets very angry is the de facto leader, none other than Big Mama.
But still, there's a bonus where the High Court give a green light for Sivakumar to sue the Election Commission for refusing to declare the seats vacated by the rogue 3 as vacant. It will be a nice squabbling between PR and BN as they slug out to see who actually wins this thing.
Just as a reader's comment found in Malaysiakini, it's exactly what I'm saying:
Goh Seng Geap: The court is Umno's court. Anwar Ibrahim is the 'opposition'. The judges are duty-bound, they have to do what they are supposed to do.But from what I piece below, it is to say who actually faults there.
If the judges breach any of the conditions they learnt during their boot camps, they will be transfer out or penalised.
1. After Sivakumar alerts the EC of vacancy of three places in Perak, EC refuses to acknowledge and declares seats not vacant. Not because of doubts but in fact that UMNO's lawyer, acting on Najib's instructions told them not do so.
2. I've said before, palace insider info reveals that if the Perak has BN as the state government, then the royal family will receive support from the Federal level. Otherwise, Raja Nazrin will never be acknowledged as the next Sultan if the state government is a PR / opposition government.
3. In the Zamby appeal an instruction from Najib was given to the Appeals court to give UMNO/ BN a 3-0 verdict against Nizar, thus overturning the High Court judgement that declared Nizar as the legitimate MB.
What a flip-flop to make a magic trick out of people...I wish if I have something that could shake the villainy down to the core. What can make and shake them down?
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
IGP Is Excellent? Wake Up Abu, It Ain't Excellent!
Quote from The Malaysian Insider:
Musa, 57, and with 38 years experience as a police officer, had met all the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) set by the Chief Secretary to the Government.“His reappointment as IGP is also due to the fact that he has yet to realise his efforts to improve the police force under the five-year strategic plan that started in 2007 and is scheduled to end in 2011. This plan was his own initiative,” the deputy minister added.
I can hardly find one very big moment that Musa is involved in and something that captures the admiration of the public like doing a big bust, capturing corrupt politicians / big cats, and so on that people gets satisfied. Instead, many people are still blaming the police for their high-handed tactics in handling protests, inability to solve crimes like robbery and so forth.
In fact it is public knowledge that Musa is somewhat connected with the top underworld and the papers that come from Malaysia Today leaked of the transfer of officers to other places who are found to be threat to the hidden operations that many people do not know.
A shame that many people are still kept in the dark of what is actually happening in the background.
Excellent performance my ass!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Who's To Blame For The Broadband Woes Here?
A college mate of my brother once told me that though there's Cyberjaya you can't get any other wireless broadband services other than Celcom. True, I tried testing Maxis or Izzi back there and the reception was terrible. I thought since P1 is the most popular WIMAX service in the nation there should be coverage there as well.
Checking at the coverage map, although there's wireless coverage in major cities in Malaysia, yet the coverage is still not enough. For example in Ipoh, there's coverage for areas like Fair Park, Silibin, Sungai Rokam but not places like Ipoh Gardens, Rapat Setia, Bercham etc..
I asked a guy from P1 is it because of pending of approval from city councils and he said yes, and usually the time for approval is about a month or so. But since Cyberjaya is a IT city in Malaysia and supposedly full of Internet facilities, why can't they do another wireless town as in Kuala Lumpur? Some time ago, my brother told me that it is likely of the monopoly competition there. Maybe TM or the Sepang municipal council is not willing to approve here because it could destroy the TM monopoly there.
In the end, who is to blame? Look at the Malaysiakini article whereby Australian investors might not invest in there because of poor Internet faciilities. Who is the person behind the approval of installation? Well, Rais and Najib will need to look into this matter.
Recap: Travelling At Port Dickson
The Markas PAS is about less than a kilometer away from the 'blog base' where I wrote most of my postings there. So going there, it's just taking a walk there. And it's opposite Avillon.
Lunch time at the Port Dickson golf club. Thanks to the two kindly ladies that I know, including one who came all the way from Ipoh, I managed to feed my stomach. Didn't take breakfast though except a cup of coffee. Even the club shows 'allegiance' and support to the Gerombolan Barisan Nasional.
Ceramah time at 9th Mile. Eventually, it is known that most who enjoyed it are outsiders.
Good god. This is how the traffic is after the ceramah is over and after midnight. No more campaigning already. Look at that traffic. Boom is waving the flag BTW.
On polling day, look at how bad the traffic is at the 8th Mile. 5 trucks are heading there, with 68 FRUs from 5 trucks deployed to do crowd control. Alan was helping out in counting sheep - errr..FRU personnel BTW.
And here's the bonus shot for that day. PAS people were cheering of this little chimp, so before the man gets shooed off by the FRU, I managed to take a grab..viola.!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Weekend Reading: Parallels of an Epidemic and a Conspiracy Theory
This plot element and conspiracy, set in 2052, is part of a plan of an organization of a hidden hand called the Majestic 12, an offshoot of the Illuminati to run the world with the United Nations in its palm.
What parallels the following piece below is that it is eerily very similar to the fictional conspiracy theory that is mentioned in the game. A company playing two face - manufactures both the virus and the cure and then holding the world hostage for money in exchange of medicine.
Harold Burbank
2008 CT Green Party candidate, US House
Release: No. H1N1-15
Date Mailed: Sept. 15, 2009
For Immediate Release
Contact: Rob Potter–(959) 715-1520 or 310-877-5002
LOS ANGELES, CA — Drug-industry investigators have uncovered documents exposing an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released evidence in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology “trust” are behind the pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccinations. Their documents, being sent by attorneys to the FBI this week, evidence industrialists are operating a crime ring within the “Partnership for New York City” (PNYC), and are behind the pandemic’s creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions.
“David Rockefeller’s trust, that engages several powerful partners on Wall Street, including media moguls Ruppert Murdock, Morton Zuckerman, Thomas Glocer, and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Jerry Speyer, are implicated in advancing global genocide,” Dr. Horowitz wrote to FBI directors.
“This ‘partnership’ controls biotechnology research and development globally. Health commerce internationally is also controlled virtually entirely by this trust that also exercises near complete control over mainstream media to promote/propagandize its products and services for the drug cartel’s organized crime. This trust, in essence, makes or breaks medical and natural healing markets, primarily through the mass media companies and propaganda it wields for social engineering and market building,” Dr. Horowitz wrote.
Among the revelations from the Horowitz-Kane research are those linking Larry Silverstein of Silverstein Properties, Inc., and the 9-11 terrorist attacks, to the drug cartel’s geopolitical, economic, and population reduction activities. Mr. Silverstein, leaser of the World Trade Center who authorized to have Building-7 “pulled” [detonated] is a chief suspect in the “9-11 truth” investigation. Silverstein is currently landlord and co-partner in the biotechnology trust founded by David Rockefeller and implicated by these new discoveries.
Given the unprecedented nature and urgency of these findings, Dr. Horowitz has posted his affidavit for public review on, hoping wide spread dissemination will prompt governments worldwide to cease mass vaccination preparations to avoid becoming accessories.
“The last time I contacted the FBI I warned them about the impending anthrax attacks one week before the first mailings were announced in the press,” Dr. Horowitz recalled. “It took them 6 months to respond. When they did, they made me a suspect in the mailings. This time I am warning the Justice Department a month before the deadliest genocide in history. I’m praying they’ll take kindly to my appeal for a PNYC investigation, and Court-ordered injunction, to stop the vaccinations for public protection.”
Original article is taken from Tukar Tiub
LOS ANGELES, CA -- Drug-industry investigators have uncovered documents exposing an international drug ring, operating from New York City, is behind the H1N1 swine flu fright and vaccination preparations.
Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz and Sherri Kane, an investigative journalist, have released evidence in legal affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology "trust" are behind the pandemic flu, including its origin and alleged prevention via vaccinations. Their documents, being sent by attorneys to the FBI this week, evidence industrialists are operating a crime ring within the "Partnership for New York City" (PNYC), and are behind the pandemic's creation, media persuasions, vaccination preparations, and health official promotions
With regards to FLU deaths...the UK has, on average, in excess of 19,000 natural flu deaths each year. The expected death toll from Swine Flu is expected to be less than this figure. That is interesting given the HYPE of a pandemic.
China, with arguably the most densly populated cities in the world have only had 12,000 reported cases of Swine Flu and NO reported deaths...again, interesting.
Over 40% of Doctors in the USA and UK are refusing to take the Swine Flu Vaccine themselves reported in the mainstream media...they do not believe it is safe.
The USA had an outbreak of 'FLU' back in 1976...the vaccine killed more people than the Flu itself. The company who made that vaccine in 1976 was 'Baxters'...the WHO have entrusted Baxters to produce the vaccine for Swine Flu.
The vaccine that is being suggested for use will NOT be tested prior to being given to the general public in the UK. Interesting to note that the Pharmaceutical companies sought and have been granted immunity from prosecution should their vaccine prove to cause death after taking. (SKY NEWS INTERVIEW)
Many scientists have come forward suggesting that although the Swine Flu is a very real 'Flu' has been bio-engineered.
Every 'recorded' Flu known to man has started its journey from East to West...Swine is travelling from West to East...
Start to dissect the headlines and the mainstream media coverage how often the HYPE is projected to instill fear and panic...All the above points can be googled from very credible sources.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy Deepavali
Thursday, October 15, 2009
There's Something Better Than This Idea
KUALA LUMPUR: Puteri Umno wants the Government to ban the production of “horror, mystical and superstitious” movies, claiming such films can weaken the faith of Muslims in the country.
The movement also wants the authorities to empower the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) to take action against such productions.
The call was contained in one of the motions that were passed without debate at the movement’s general assembly on Wednesday.
“In view of widespread screening of movies with ghosts, superstitious and mystical elements, we urge the Government to empower Jakim to ban their production as they do not carry any positive message, but instead may destroy the faith,” it said.
The movement also called on the Government to issue a similar ban on all foreign movies of such genres.
It said film producers should concentrate on producing films of different genres that could serve as lessons, rather than show horror and superstitious ones which might not even deliver the intended messages.
It added parents must provide religious education to children to ensure that they would have strong faith to avoid from getting influenced by such negative elements.
Close to two years ago - or precisely one day before the Bersih rally, Marina Mahathir wrote an interesting piece that was a response to what former Puteri UMNO Chief Noraini Ahmad said about blogs and the brain drain problem. Marina's response was pretty witty and at the end of the posting, the writing said that Noraini should read more opinions by the women of the newer generation today as to gain better ideas than listening to the ladies in pink.
While reading what the ladies in pink were talking today, about thinking of slapping a ban on movies - horror and fantasy genres in particular - for the reason it weakens the religious faith, I was wondering were they base on facts or just hearsay everywhere but not to the extend of beyond Malaysia. I remembered of those Thai horror movies, which is also a worth watch by people today, or maybe those literature novels that discuss of religion, e.g Pullman's Dark Materials trilogy which also discusses of the religious faith - the inverted ones.
People nowadays don't really much bother about this thing. What matters to them is actually whether the show is a worth watch or not. If you consider planning to watch a very good horror movie just imagine how many youngsters of all races would not have second thoughts of watching it. It's simply because it is good. If you try to take away something that they really like, get ready to get whacked left and right. It's simply because of something that is considered as trying to interfere with their rights and it demonstrates how an immature idea spewed by the ladies in pink without reading the trend ends up being hated by everyone.
True as what Marina advised Noraini, you might want to do the same of reading opinions of younger people there. When you say that statement, see more piracy coming up as people would go to the video shop and buy the DVD of a movie they cannot see in cinema because of getting it banned.
Of course there are better alternatives than such idea. You need to read opinions around, not just listening really.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Re-Examining Bagan Pinang
Apart from Isa's popularity with people, Chinese in particular -
From Rembau Times:
The Chinese support for PAS seemed to have evaporated. Voters decided to vote with their hearts and was fully aware of the development Tan Sri Isa had brought to the community. There were also plans to further expand the local tourism industry, with religious temples being adopted as official tourist destination. The fact that the current implosion in MCA did not translate into a loss of confidence by the Chinese on BN suggests that the problems are transient and the community's support can be regained once MCA has weathered through this leadership crisis., the win as attributed to some several factors here:
Postal Votes
85 percent of the postal votes or (3521) was in BN. This forms 44 percent of Isa's total votes. However, there are several manipulation elements and suspicions in here that ensures that this block forms part of the votes. The one thing that was raised by the PAS guys is how a government official like MB Mohd. Hassan and the Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi used their positions to entice voters into voting for them. Maybe the promise of newer projects played the part of it. The press conference by Sallahudin Ayub on the 9th shows of irregularities, but the big mark for that factor is this:
Malah Pengarah Jentera Operasi PAS, Pilihan Raya Kecil Dun Bagan Pinang berkata, terdapat aduan dari pengundi pos mengenai salahguna kuasa Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan, Dato' Seri Utama Haji Mohamad bin Haji Hasan yang berkempen di dalam satu majlis jamuan hari raya di Institut Kejuruteraan Tentera Darat.Pada majlis yang sama juga katanya, Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Dr Mohd Zahid Hamidi mengugut tentera untuk menarik balik projek-projek yang dijanjikan sebelum ini.
- "Menteri Besar tersebut menggunakan jawatannya untuk meminta pengundi memilih Isa sebagai wakil rakyat " ujarnya.
- "Zahid Hamidi berkata, kita ada banyak lagi projek untuk tentera, tapi kita kena tengok kertas undi dulu la," jelasnya.
Indian Votes
Supposed we exclude the postal votes, the MIC said that 74 percent of the 1870 votes were in the favor of the BN. I believe that Makkal Sakthi party, thought yet to be part of the coalition but in support of the BN played a part of it. What is found that most of the Indian voters were given money, sarees, muruku, flour and etc as their angpow in exchange for votes. Another thing that could hint of voting in their favor was still the Kampung Buah Pala episode. Lim Guan Eng was still blamed over the episode whereas the real parties who was involved in that was Koh Tsu Koon and the previous state government.
In the Indian estates of Siliau, out of 1662 registered voters there, 782 votes were in BN while only 318 were in PAS favor. Isa was seen to be there after casting his vote here, perhaps to entice support from the Indian community there with possbily parties like IDF, Makkal Sakthi on the tow.
Makkal Sakthi party was rewarded quite well for this win really and it benefitted Najib.
Wrong Candidate and The Machinery Mistakes by PR
Port Dickson by nature is a tourist site as mentioned in the Cuti-Cuti Malaysia site focus on Negeri Sembilan. To put a PAS candidate can easily give the impression to people living within the part of Port Dickson as a tourist town to turn into a town with Taliban-style rulings - as most non-Malays townfolk would believe there. It would scare them off, particularly for the older generation and particularly damaging the state tourism. This is something that BN would harp on, giving of the town's prestige tourism status. If you look along the first 10 miles of Jalan Pantai, you would see the chalets, hotels and apartments for rent for tourists along the way.
If the Pakatan Rakyat places a Keadilan candidate, then the result could be different, unlike the high winning margin and since Keadilan is one of the multi-racial parties, it could get the people to know more about what that candidate could do.
The post-Hasan Ali fiasco in the Selangor state government still gives a damaging reputation for the party, thus in relation to what mentioned above.
Also, Pete has written something interesting about the PR machinery here (Excerpt:)
Youth Votes?In Bagan Pinang, the opposition is so disorganised. There are allegations that Kuala Lumpur has taken over the Bagan Pinang election campaign while the locals from Negeri Sembilan are being sidelined. It was not until the fourth day after Nomination Day when PAS invited the other component members from Pakatan Rakyat for a meeting. In the end, PAS did their own thing while PKR and DAP, who were left out in the cold, organised their own programmes independent of PAS. PAS did not even arrange for the Wakil Rakyat from PKR and DAP to speak at the ceramah.
We would have imagined that after the March 2008 general election, and the many by-elections since then, the opposition would improve itself because of the experience it has gained. This does not appear to be so in Bagan Pinang. It appears like they have gone backwards and act like this is their first election.
What has happened to Pakatan Rakyat? The Bagan Pinang by-election is not a PAS by-election. It is a Pakatan Rakyat by-election even though the candidate is from PAS. And how can Kuala Lumpur just walk in and take over while sidelining the local Negeri Sembilan boys?
Maybe it is good that PAS loses this by-election. Maybe this is what is needed to wake them up. Umno cannot make it without the other 13 component members of Barisan Nasional. What makes PAS think it can make it all on its own without PKR and DAP -- and worse, without the involvement of the local boys on the ground?
I would not be too disappointed if PAS gets massacred good and proper later today. Maybe they need this wake up call. But what hurts is the fact that they would get massacred not because Umno is strong but because Pakatan Rakyat conducted themselves like a bunch of amateurs.
There was a Youth wing division talk that was led by Khairy and echoed by others including MIC's T. Mohan that spurred the votes to their favor.
"One group who would be smilling will be the MIC. Under the leadership of T.Mohan and the strong cooperation with Pemuda UMNO, the voters repaid in full the current focus being placed on the community by the leadership of Dato Seri Najib Tun Razak."End Notes:
1. Of course the win is predicted from most newspapers and even Tengku Razaleigh himself. But the word of caution from him is to have a corrupt candidate winning is an endorsement to corruption:
"A win by Isa would translate into an endorsement of corruption-as-usual within the party and the government that it leads."
2. This time the PR needs to seriously go back to the drawing board. You cannot simply field a candidate because the previous candidate who contested here is also from PAS. They need to analyze the population breakdown of an area and determine the best candidate to do so before naming one. This a point in case.
3. Bagan Pinang people will have to watch out for false promises in future. If people there have voted for Isa just because of his popularity, please watch out for any projects that was promised but never happened in the coming 2 - 3 years before the next General elections. If it's the same thing then before, then you should translate your anger into votes.
4. The return of one of the prominent UMNO warlords in Negeri Sembilan would pose trouble for the current MB Mohd Hassan. We don't right now what is Hassan or Najib's moves, but to see what unfolds next between the two.
5. The next by-election that will see whether PR has corrected their mistakes would be in Johol, very likely. And they have at approximately 1-2 months or so to be ready for it. Johol for instance is a rural town in Rembau and the population breakdown can tell how to reach the voters there.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
So You Pick The Mob. Don't Say You Made The Wrong Choice.
Of course I bet this gives a lot of problems for Mat Hassan and Khairy because you have an ex-minister coming in to run for the government.
With something to read from the previous post, now that you have pick an ex-MB to be an assemblyman here, you have to live by your choices. There have been cases, that promises mentioned in the campaigning period can be false promises later on.
On the economic scale, BN is listening to what the economic hitman to do - rigging elections.
On my opinion, you are damning yourselves for picking the mob.
Note: 35% of the total votes that Isa has are postal votes.
Polling Day in Bagan Pinang
I had a PAS worker to help drop me at Si Rusa, the first stop being at Si Rusa. There are lines of people from both sides at the main road. With BN mostly hurling insults to the PAS while they chant Quranic verses. At this time, Hatta Ramli is there, with Sharizat and the minister Shaziman at there. I was told that Shaziman would be around Si Rusa and Teluk Kemang. Hatta Ramli is still there. At this time, there are 50 BNs at Si Rusa with PAS people 6 times more.
I went with a ANN cameraman (met a few times, first the Lingam tape case) to Teluk Kemang. At the time of arrival, 5 FRU trucks with numbers of 68 personnel were deployed for crowd control at both camps. The BN camp consists of people from the Rasah and the Kuala Pilah division. Two people were arrested in an earlier skirmish.
Same thing happening in Teluk Kemang as well, 8th mile, with BN mostly comprising of school students, youngsters shouting at the PAS people. Some of them taunt and even ask them to disperse saying that 'Time for prayers (Zohor prayers), please leave."
Update: At the end of the polls:
74 Percent of votes from Teluk Kemang
78 Percent of votes from Si Rusa
Counting will start shortly and results would be announced by 8 p.m
Update: With 30 minutes before end of polling - and a surge of last minute votes coming in:
Panglima Adnan - 74 percent votes cast
Teluk Kemang - The voters are deterred via road blocks at Teluk Kemang. All BN supporters were out of the fold. 70 percent of votes
With 1 hour left before the end of polling:
Overall turnover of votes is at 65 percent
71 percent of votes being cast at Panglima Adnan
50 percent votes cast at Sea Butong
70 percent at Teluk Kemang.
62 percent at Si Rusa
Almost half of postal votes in PAS favor
Currently reporting at base camp, planning to go to either the estates or Teluk Kemang again later on.
Watch this space on - and additional materials cum update from:
Hawkeye Jack
DelCapo's Twitter
The Non-Existent Anwar - Muhyiddin Debate
At last night's ceramah at DAP base, 9th Mile, the Pakatan Rakyat was waiting for Muhyiddin Yassin to come there to debate with Anwar Ibrahim. They gave him up to 10 pm to show up. As mentioned prior to that, the debate doesn't exist, in fact as claimed by BN to be a psychological war at them.
When Muhyiddin failed to show up, the group branded him as coward and a person with no balls to face up against Anwar.
Anwar arrived there at 11.15 p.m.
Note: At 3.00 a.m, PAS and UMNO groups squared off at 7th Mile directly at Marina Bay Apartments where I bunked up a few hours of sleep.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Masquerade, Impersonation, and Mob Fights at Bagan Pinang
A police report has been made at the Teluk Kemang station. In the report, it has been revealed that they will hold a parade, wear PAS shirts, use their banners and make PAS signature behavious in attempt to elicit unruly response from the mob. As such, a directive has been issued that all PAS people will not do anything including the Takbir shouts etc.
Also during that press conference, PAS Youth Chief Nasruddin Tantawi has revealed that an apology leaflet bearing his name and signature as well as the PAS Youth letterhead would be distributed. The leaflet details his apology for the mistakes made three days ago. In truth, Nasruddin revealed that he did not write any article used for the leaflet.
On the other hand, there was a mob fight between the PAS workers and the UMNO mob. The incident occured when the UMNO mob attempted to stop the PAS workers from putting up flags, alledging that they have crossed their territory. A few people were injured in the process with one of them bleeding profusely on the head. At the time of 6.45 p.m the incident being reported, both sides have yet to stop their fights.
Next By-Election: Johol?
* Roslan Md Yusof (BN - UMNO) | 3737 | Maj: 1263 |
Kamarudin Md Tahir (OPP - PAS) | 2474 | |
It is believed that Datuk Roslan is having a terminal cancer and there is likely that a by-election could happen at earliest the end of this year (November / December).
I have double-checked whether it is Jempol or Johol and they have confirmed it to be in Johol.
Johol is located in Negeri Sembilan and it is part of the Rembau parliamentary area.
If there is a by-election that happens, I bet that Chegubard should stand for it.
Additional notes:
It is not only the possible by-election that could come in the space of the next two months or so. Two other places that could be considered were Kota Seputeh, where there is a pending case for the Kedah State Speaker against the Election Commission for declaring the seat vacant.
Another possible vacancy is the Pandan parliamentary seat since that MCA president Ong Tee Keat received a no-confidence vote and since he has mentioned that he would resign earlier on if he loses, chances are that he would vacate his ministrial post of course, but maybe...maybe the Pandan parliamentary seat, if it warrants the need to.
Dangling Carrots By BN
While in the car with some friends, two Puteri UMNO stopped a few cars up ahead of the road to give them goodies: free Berita Harian newspaper. More or less carrots to dangle people to vote for them. This was taken along 4th mile.
First Anti-ISA Billboard in Fort Cornwallis, Penang

A friend of mine, Angela informed me of the first anti-ISA Billboard at Fort Cornwallis. It is chosen out of the 30 designs by Penang blogger DanielYKL.
Note: I'm sure the mob will be very angry at Guan Eng and Co.
Bagan Pinang Press Conference
- Corruption - UMNO Disciplinary Committee has found Isa guilty of corruption.
- Failure to complete many of their projects throughout its administration.
- Morgaged beach lands to foreign ownership. This includes the 6th Mile and the one reserve land specially for the Muslim cemetery.
- Defending cronies for personal political reason.
- Lied that local people will be given jobs but instead given to foreigners.
The new statement that he made today was in response to an article in Utusan that the district police chief of Port Dickson has accused Ayub for being uncooperative. Ayub was summoned to make a statement at the police station yesterday by an ASP in relation to the skirmish between PAS workers and the UMNO bikers at the 3 a.m. incident.
Ayub made a promise of coming between 6 to 6.30 p.m but managed to provide his statement, came at 6.45 p.m yesterday. The article written was according to him was lie and he demanded an open apology from the police chief.
It's approximately 11 hours away before the end of campaigning period and both sides are making the last push. From the analysis of the Pakatan partners, chances are 50-50 and we could see a hard fought win by the range of 300-500 votes.
Old Man Says No To Isa
Unfortunately, I spent two to three hours wandering around Port Dickson until I finally met a friend of mine who was discussing with the Teluk Kemang MP. Told me of the latest information on Port Dickson and it seems that the margin of win is between 300 to 500 voters, for either side. Depending on whoever wins.
The guys were optimistic that Zulkefly Omar would be stealing Isa Samad's thunder.
Before we left before meeting up again at the press conference at 11 a.m in the morning he did actually asked me whether if saw a banner featuring Mahathir. Mahathir was quoted on the BN candidate nomination day that he would not come down to Port Dickson to support the candidate if the candidate is Isa Samad.
PAS quoted his words: "Rasuah Berleluasa Kerana Pemimpin Tetap Diberi Sokongan Walaupun Jelas Terbabit".
Of course this means that Isa does not get Mahathir the old man's approval and support.
With the sabotage in BN taken into account. That thing is one thing from the inside is making Isa Samad shitting.
It's dawn right now and well, will be back in the morning.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Make The Wrong Choice In Bagan Pinang And...
Before you go on you might want to read some Hishamuddin Rais pieces - some make sense, though I don't really agree with his entire philosophy. Everytime UMNO is mentioned, the word MOB is used.
You look at how a PAS worker guy get beaten up and slash by the mob by people on motorbike, which is to say that they are no other than Nazis: if you don't like one race, you whack them. Though it has a different context, the similarities are there. Ketuanan Melayu is very similar to the Aryan Supremacy that Mein Kampf dictates.
In the middle of the main road of Jalan Pantai, the mob stopped and whack cars that carry the PAS flag. For what? Every people has the right of opinion. To force and shove your ideas to their throats means to say is to shut up and listen. In fact, listening without curiosity means to make fool of a person. Who's the more foolish? The fool himself or the fool that follows the fool?
I always thought of a leader who is unable to control the behavior is akin to the times during the pre-Three Kingdoms thing. At that time, court eunuchs in China are actually in control, not the Emperor. To attempt to stop eunuchs invites being beaten and whack for interfering. Likewise, in Jerusalem, the boy king Baldwin V - ended up succeeding his uncle, the leper king, could not control the state because of his age and affairs handled by others below him.
Now that you have seen how barbaric they behave, they are entitled to be called a four-legged person, not a two-legged. An animal more or less. I don't really have to repeat everything to say this and that. I leave it up to you readers, particularly those who are in Bagan Pinang to decide what to do next on Sunday. If you are going to the poll station, think twice before putting a cross on the ballot paper.
As I am entitled to my opinion, you can't simply pick by party. There are more than what it seems before choosing your things. Right now, the malpractices have been exposed by the PAS and its partners. So now you know, you will need to make a choice. Make the wrong choice and you will regret it for picking the wrong side. Blind faith to a party will not take you far.
I am told by my blogger friend that the Indian community, being the kingmakers of this part of Negeri Sembilan are really undecided on who to pick because there are Indian factions supporting Barisan while others supporting the Pakatan. Let make this in simpler terms to our Indian friends and fellow older generation voters out there:
- Make the wrong choice, and you see more district resources plundered unnecessarily.
- Make the wrong choice and you indirectly support a corrupt person.
- Make the wrong choice and you support a barbaric act that detains person without proof.
- Make the wrong choice and you invite more menaces to roam around your town.
- Make the wrong choice and you are given empty promises in the end.
- Make the wrong choice and you are saying thumbs up to someone that advocates helping one race but not the other.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Truth And Consequences, Bagan Pinang
I will sum up one thing to you readers and please read these words carefully, lest ill fortune will befall on you voters because of making the wrong choice or blind devotion to a party.
Why You Should Vote For PAS In This By-Election
1. In the past, Barisan Nasional has promise tons of projects and developments into there. But most of the projects there are partially complete. Was it walking the talk and fulfilling the promises? You tell me.
2. Isa Samad is known by those in the state to be some what a ruler with some shady dealings - plundering state resources for his cronies. The issue of his four known cronies from Seremban will give a tell tale of what will happen.

3. PAS never insult other races as to entice support for them. They know the real value of respecting other races as what the Quran said. So far, we have seen Barisan Nasional, particularly its boss UMNO hurling racial insults at others. They intend to convey the message that the Chinese and Indians are their enemies and this is clearly contradicting the 1Malaysia concept that is propagating around the country.
4. Signs of schoolchildren being brainwashed to support them are evident. One student was seen in pictures circulating around blogs, just to indicate that BN hire schoolchildren, given them party shirts and money in exchange for their support that they have no knowledge about. This also happens in Kepala Batas as well, where school children are paid money and other goodies in exchange for their support. In future, our children we become more dumb and dumber because they are not taught to think critically and properly - just being shoved down whatever things - sometimes falsehoods into their mind.
5. The two faces of BN: 1Malaysia and then they shout Ketuanan Melayu. Which one do you follow? Or another case - a caterer, contracted to supply food for the police had its contract terminated not properly. But the caterer did well, he supplied food in buffet form, not in packet form as others. Who stands to lose? The police are enjoying good buffet food supplied by them. Who's treating the police like dogs?
Voting concerns:
Apart from the postal votes problem, the problem lies with the mentality of the old generation and the first generation born after Merdeka. From my understanding, most of them still have the leanings towards BN. Much of the assumption is that Perikatan (pre BN) was influential during the pre-Merdeka and the first 13 years post-Merdeka thing. So there is a 'cling to belief' of BN hypothesis that I had on these.
To the older generation, they didn't really bother on change and would just to have the same person over and over again.
What Are The Consequences of Voting Wrongly?
1. You are saying that you wish to keep Internal Security Act although it has been proven that ISA is a crude act and should be replaced with an Anti-Terrorist Act. The record and the misuse of the ISA has spoken by itself.
2. You still do not want to the country to progress further by picking leaders who are bankrupt of ideas and more importantly someone with a bad record. More importantly, you are probably buying lies by believing they would do it, but they didn't do it eventually.
3. You let your leaders plunder the state's resources that you are entitled to reap and give it to the cronies. You should be enjoying the riches, not flinging it somewhere else. Our country's reserves are actually in the red margin already, not in black.
4. You have proven yourself to be clinging to old believes which starts to get irrelevant in this modern age.
5. You are really condemning yourselves to possible 3.5 years more of suffering before the next GE in 2013.
These are the truth and consequences in Bagan Pinang. Let the pictures tell you what I'm saying. Those are taken by my blogging friends whom I was with them last weekend. Don't believe? Just ask them. Then read this piece from Hisham Rais. It's an education to think, not just hearing.
Special thanks for supplement information by Duke and Uncle Zorro with pics by Perisik Rakyat.
Hope to see you guys again on Friday.
Monday, October 5, 2009
If You Are That Stupid, Then Don't Show It!
It doesn't really make sense to see how that Mamak Azeez fellow ended up in a hospital for something that he thinks that it is serious. I mean you look at the picture, there this PAS guy supporter (I saw him there), patting the guy's shoulder and the next thing is that Azeez said that he got whacked by a group of people?
Get real. Maybe that's a way to elicit sympathy from other people and to draw the attention to say that PAS are bad guys. But then, it is the other way round of UMNO mob being the bad guys really.
Look at those pictures. Azeez was with Ismail Sabri. Then the PAS supporter came near him. And then they walked past him. Nothing wrong. No whining, no complaining, whatsoever. But how come he claims that he's beaten by nine people? Ask Sallahuddin Ayub and he'd say there are no marks / dirt on his shirt that he gets beaten or whatsoever.
True to be told, Azeez is a hate figure among the PAS guys. One significant thing about him is that he was caught red-handed attempting to screw votes by the PAS guys during the Kuala Terengganu by-election. If you remember the famous fable of the boy playing prank with the villages three times - you'd find some child story that can be used here.

Seeing the pictures in hospital, I was wondering whether if the PAS guy who was with him in that picture had that unusual strength to beat Azeez into kingdom come? But anyhow, people, PAS people especially don't really like this kind of guy. If there is one thing that can be learnt here is that if you are that stupid, please don't show to the people. It's something that some people would ridicule at you.
Or it is possible to say that you've got some health problems that fits the 'being punched' scenario? No way, mamak. In fact, smile, you've been ridiculed by other blogs everywhere!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Weekend Filler : Hisham Rais Malam Kesenian Rakyat
Bagan Pinang Nomination Day
The Bagan Pinang by-election has been confirmed to be a straight fight between Isa and Zulkefly with the third candidate, Sharuddin was rejected because he did not have a proposer from Bagan Pinang.
From Batu 7 where we had a night before we left, there were busloads of people, namely from the MIC and UMNO there were around. We could see most of them at the 7th mile up along the way to 2nd mile.
We were at the proximity of the nomination centre at about 8 a.m, and given of parking problems, we took a 5km walk to the school there. Our observation is that the majority of PAS supporters are a mix group, - old, young, and even non-Muslims also came to lend their support to the PAS. Not to mention those from the partner parties PKR and DAP.
At the nomination centre, the alleyway separates between the BN supporters and the PAS supporters. On top, were BN, shouting back at PAS people. If BN says "Mampus" for example, PAS had many shoutings at them like Mansuh Isa, Reformasi, Rasuah and etc..
A few interesting points noticed:
1. PAS had the muscle to say Altantuya. When they shouted the name, everyone in BN fell silent..frankly maybe because they have nothing much to say while some were paid to come here to do so.
2. They were exchanging of shouts of Babi.
3. Each time a BN VIP goes throught the PAS crowd, they would be angry while the BN supporters would cheer about.
4. Makkal Sakthi party showed up at the other side of the road. But they were blocked by PAS people and chased the away.
5. FRUs were also there as well
6. Mahu ISA.....
A lot of other politicians came too, we would meet some like Ronnie Liu, Ean Yong, Teresa Kok and even Ampang's Zuraida.
Within the objection hour, I was told first-hand that Sharuddin was rejected his nomination papers as he did not have a proposer in Bagan Pinang.
So, in the next one week or so, there's speeches from everywhere.
Note: this written directly from Bagan Pinang.
More pictures on Facebook album.
The chopper has been circling around very close to the ground.