They ask if they can put this field visible on certain stages, ask if they can put this there or not. I couldn't say no though as to avoid raising their hidden reaction of anger or my trying to show off, which is something I would like to avoid at all costs. Among things they asked were if they can convert the PRC thing to a click append thing, auto assign. I wonder wouldn't it be good for them to exercise their muscles for a while by setting the date manually. At least the good thing they said was "see if you can".
At times I couldn't think of a good answer to explain to them. They think that this program does wonders like they can incorporate many things into one. Well, almost all. Except for the last part. When they proposed the big amount of changes there at around 3 p.m., I had to rework on changing the screens, changing the workflow and etc.. and all my work crashed abruptly when the database server refused to connect with my terminal, which I am hosting the program.
Everytime I log into the system, the red label at the main screen kept showing in my face. I really wanted to give myself a breather after all this. I thought I could finish everything, but the database server crash at the last minute in the evening prevented me from going on.
I wonder how some of the colleagues I feel behaved like eunuchs in the feudal Chinese period. They wield more power than the royals, showing themselves how mighty they are. Well, that was pre-Three Kingdoms saga but I feel that they refuse to go for the new change or something. At least my manager encouraged me to try go outside the box. But to them, I find that they are still back inside the box. But their seniority is above my authority. What can I do but to do and maybe grief this to my U.M?
Oh, God. Please help me. Is this what Ephesus is about? Patience and penitence?
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