Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Hey...Nothing You Can Say...!

You may wonder why I put that wanted mock-up poster yesterday of the two impostors running around in America. Well, I intended to put that as a belated April Fools joke. That thing was in my mind for quite some time and I just put that thing there? How?

One morning, I woke up and this thing came across my mind after looking through some press-kit photos of the upcoming Order of The Phoenix movie, due on July 13. There are recurring characters such as Hagrid and Ginny in the series. I happened to read some past articles about the making of some movies and suddenly two things came in mind. Two Ginnys, and there is a Hagrid look alike, well, I thought for a while and had a laugh before deciding to put it on. The most amusing between the two things is about Hagrid's impostor, those two fellows, I would explain below.

The second Ginny is a short name for Virginia 'Ginny' (to her friends) Katz, who edited Dreamgirls starring Eddie Murphy and Beyonce Knowles. She too edited Fearless (Huo Yianjia) starring Jet Li himself!. I happened to stumble upon a cover article discussing her work on Dreamgirls, sadly she was not nominated for an A.A for her work, when I noticed the similarities of calling names. But the Weasley was called Ginevra - Italian for Guinevere.

The other person I discovered appearing similar to Hagrid is famed cameraman Allen Daviau. A long time friend of Steven Spielberg, Daviau shot many memorable films including E.T - starring our little Drew Barrymore, Empire of The Sun, the start-off movie starring Christian Bale and of course the recent Hugh (Mr. Wolverine) Jackman's movie Van Helsing. It was written that Steve had high hopes for Daviau to win for his work on Empire of the Sun but following his lost at the Oscars to Il Maestro Vittorio Storaro (The Last Emperor), they part their collaboration.

For a few occasions, I doodled around the idea of connecting two characters with two real-world people and finally, I didn't want it to be just in my head, I decided to put it on, as some sort of an April Fools joke. I did thought of considering putting the bald-mugshots of either Donald Trump or Vince McMahon (Battle of the Billionaires) match at Wrestlemania.

I had a less stressful day today, I was able to concentrate on other tasks such as preparing implementation kits and a 'Gatekeeper's Guide !?' - which is just a nick for reviewers for an agency using the Alfresco document repository system. Ha. But the day ended with a heavy rain since 5 p.m. Traffic is badly jammed and I just hope to come back to home and have good rest before watching RAW post-Wrestlemania. RATED-RKO? Gone.

I happened to read a post saying that Google is trying to implement an underground wireless network called TISP. Of course you don't need phone lines but instead toilet bowls! What - toilet bowls? Read here.


  1. What the %@$#& is that Google toilet installation stuff? Or was that an April Fool's joke by the kind folks at Google? Hahahaha! :)

  2. This is no joke. If you cannot get wireless access because you are in a place not covered by that network provider, this is the alternative. This has been implemented in several states in the U.s. Later, it's going to happen everywhere and you can use this for free.


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