Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Interview With Bloomberg
Look Doc, Is That What You're Thinking?
Doc, was this your thinking? There are still Malaysians who cannot even afford a Proton Saga. Can you see a family of four all in one motorcycle? Have you traveled around the state of Kedah to see such thing on the road?
If you see one, then your line was not correct.
People could not enjoy buying good cars that are as par as Proton since import duty added into it makes things worst. Given of the current economic situation, might as well sell those APs away as to help get people to afford buying a car.
Buying a Proton or a Kelisa should be the baseline. For example, if you income belongs into a low-income class, helping people to get one is important rather than leaving them to their own devices. For people who can and willing to pay more, they can go for higher type of cars but without the need of AP and a small amount of import duty.
This is how we can get people to get to have at least a car. In Singapore, TV sets prices are very low compare to here, as the government there realizes the need of disseminating info and the need of people to have quality time together with families before the end of the day.
As most of us know via papers, most accidents happening in Malaysia are motorcycle-related accidents.
And at the end of October last year, the reasoning of introducing credit card service tax for prudent spending isn't going to do much good. Maybe the better way is to increase the minimum payment per month instead of RM50 or 5%. I got a feeling that the idea is more of getting a quick buck from people eh? Yep, the gomen is out of money except many people don't know. But I know...
Maybe this is how a longkang MP behaves, I suppose. Maybe.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Fax Acknowledgement To Sivakumar?

If you look closely this is the fax reply letter to Sivakumar from former MB Tajol Rosli.

They said that there could be two possible reasons.
From some insiders they revealed that there's been some infighting among UMNO in Perak where 11 divisions of the state are against Zambry because of his sheer arrogance. They also mentioned that Tajol, after relinquishing the state chairmanship was sidelined. And there is a preference for Zambry's men in the state councilship.
Or, it's perhaps the rule of law that Tajol acknowledges that Sivakumar is still the correct speaker even his lawsuits and trials are still pending or Sivakumar was removed improperly.
How I Start Loving Being A Voter And You Should Too

I was only six when the 8th General Election happened. So that morning, I followed them up to the second floor, but stayed outside to see how they cast their votes. It was a first time, seeing it live of how election day happened. Then in 1995, election mania came again. Even young, I was so interested to see how people go and vote, since it is a 5 year affair thing. At night, I was also watching TV, interested to see who's winning, who's leading, etc..
I was really smitten how a person gets to go and put the ballot card in the box. I could really wish of doing that earlier in 2004, but then I was only 20 and fell short of the minimum age required. I soon understood that it is the enthusiasm of voting that I start loving the idea of playing the role of a voter.
By November 2005, I finished my internship and was looking for my next job. I was back at home, just graduated. A week after I hit the age of 21, I decided I ain't going to wait until there is a registration exercise to come to do so. After lunch time, I went straight to the state EC office (it's opposite the state government building), told a staff there that I just hit 21 and I want to register. It's just merely presenting your IC card and check a few days later on its status is all it takes to become a voter.
And so I became one. And I didn't wait for 5 years for the next GE to come. If not, it could have been around this time. I was certain at that time, given of the area where I would be I knew that it would be Lim Kit Siang vs somebody from the BN.
From the info I gather about these two men contesting, I noticed a difference between a decent MP vs a longkang MP. So excited that as the days go by prior to the 8th, I really have made up my mind on who to vote.
And that day there's went my first time to vote, and at the age of just 23+!
Yes, I sometimes think this as cheong hei and out of point but hey, the stats was saying that there are 4 million unregistered but eligible, and mostly are those within the group of 21-40.
I used to think of the phrase, "There is no fate but what we make for ourselves".
There are about 4 million eligible but unregistered voters, majority within my age group and I believe that most of them have no idea that they can do the vote. Some of them think that they are lazy to vote or some of them think that there is no obligation to dd that or so.
Wrong. If you think that you don't have to vote, think again. If the 4 million voted in the GE, the results and outcome could be different. What if there is no 1Malaysia when the result got changed the other way round? What if there is no Perak crisis if the results got changed?
Current problems in Malaysia is our fault. We didn't do enough to change it.
That's why there are these voter registration drives to help you guys fulfill your obligation.
Voting is an obligation. For me, it's enthusiasm.
I don't really know much about this EPIC thing but I know that a 23 year old person around my group age started this. Perhaps he / she has the same enthusiasm as I do, but maybe I can lend a help out there by putting what they need below.
Anyhow, just to note, this weekend is their registration drive in 3 locations - The Curve, Amcorp Mall and Subang Parade, so if you have never voted before, just go to one place and sign up. Who knows, maybe a GE could be called in the next 3 years or so and you will have your chance.
Read on below...
The decisions we make today shape our tomorrow, individually as a community, and ultimately as a nation. That is why we are beginning another EPIC movement we call EPIC for Unity.
This is where we want the people to start having faith & hope in this nation that we call HOME and love dearly. It is understandable that it has indeed been challenging to develop such positive feelings toward a nation that displays such a blatant disregard for ethics and the rapid decay of moral values in our community. We understand that we are disillusioned and feelings of helplessness have inhabited our minds and wills, causing us to stop striving for what we youths want.
We want to believe that the power of ‘one’ is not simply overrated, just rarely challenged
We want Positive Action not Negative Reactions
We want to integrate not tolerate
We want to stop complaining, and start acting
We want our friends to stop migrating overseas and our parents to stop telling us to do so
We want to be colour blind to our neighbours
We want to stand up to be responsible for our collective future and believe that others want to as well_________________________________________________________________________
We want all this but what are you willing to do to get it?
We want to voice our choice the best and most civil way we know how in practicing our democratic right…
By VotingHowever before that happens, you first have to register as a voter… Have you? If you have, GOOD ON YA! If not, don’t feel bad, because the time is now.
We are on an EPIC Mission to gather2,000,000 voters
by the end of the year. Yes, we said it! TWO MILLION! We believe that we will definitely hit and even exceed this number if you join us on this EPIC adventure to truly impact our community in an extraordinary way.
We will be launching our year-long campaign which we believe belongs to all of us on the 3rd and 4th of April. The launch will start of by setting up booths in high traffic malls which will be confirmed ASAP.
We will need at least 150 hands in promoting, registering,
setting up booths and pasting up posters.We are targeting 20,000 people for the 2 day launch.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Showing The Jaguh Kampung For Nothing.
In today's inaugural Perkasa assembly, Perkasa kept talking about retaining the NEP and the ISA. What they say is nothing more of going back to 1970. In fact, if Malaysia takes this leadership into the fold, we would end up behaving backwards, going back to the 1970s instead of moving forward. We are now at the end of the first decade of the new millenium.
If Perkasa says to ensure that Malays get 30% share of the economy, until when the objective will be accomplished? 10 years? 20 years? No. It could go on and on forever since it is proven that UMNOPuteras and GLCs in particular are the ones that chewed up the share intended for the Malay community of Malaysia. The NEP - targetting an abolishment in 1990 has proven to be a failed experiment. Until now, with NDP and so forth, the level is only around 10 percent.
We can't go on with that forever, so this means, that there will be a time where this thing will have to be dropped. Of course you can say the ho has from people especially from Perkasa but what else can they do except to work hard to get the cut as the same as other people do?
And then there is this ISA thing. Why keep it? ISA was originally for communists. But it was warped into putting dissidents. But communists in Malaya are no longer there after 1989. That's why it has to be substituted with a Anti-Terrorist bill.
Why do most leaders think in such manner? To show how great they are? Are they aware of most complicated matters outside Malaysia that could hit the nation anytime? Malaysia could end up like Greece if they are not paying serious attention rather than playing kids games. Look at the picture of Ibrahim Ali with the Keris. Isn't it like what Hisham Hussein did in UMNO Youth?
Having Perkasa is a double edge sword for Najib, for it not controlled, they could present more trouble to the non-Malay community here.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Hola Hola Hola, It's Another By-Election Fever!
The news hits out that the MP Zainal Abidin Ahmad, passed away just now due to cancer and with that, another by-election, a.l.a Kuala Terengganu or Bukit Gantang is going to happen and will have to do so in the next 60 days or so.
Boy I just love the by-election fever, having been to Bukit Gantang and Bagan Pinang. But in the Parliamentary level by-election, there are plenty of places to cover since there can be several state seats falling under that. One of them is Kuala Kubu Bahru.
I know a good friend of mine Antares is there, so I would love to have you bro, to give us a tour guide besides having the chance to visit your humble home for the first time. I think Edmund should tag along there really...
There are some issues that could not be picked up in Hulu Selangor so whoever is a close friend of our late MP should be able to pick up the baton dropped and complete whatever that's pending. And I just hope that PR should not make the mistake of deciding the candidate. The candidate who is challenging the BN opponent should fit in the general population of that area.
But when is the show starting up? It would be a good platform to state your problems to your parties. Whether it's Anwar sodomy, GST and etc..there's the chance to set the present benchmark.
Start your engines's election fever, though only one seat really.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Acker Bilk - Stranger On The Shore
Turns out this was my late grandfather's favorite song. Putting this up in memory of him. Today's the 1st anniversary of his passing.
In Memoriam: One Year Later
A few days ago, during a courtesy visit, one of my uncles told me that he saw grandpa in dreams, in heaven, with his favorite sarong. I lent him a box of old photos that my late grandmother kept. When he went through the photos, he took one of the black and white ones and told me of the image he saw in visions. At least I was grateful to hear that my sweet grandpa is well taken care by God up there.
Sadly he didn't get to see new additions to the family, as those happened six months after his passing. But we, the family really missed him so much.
Anyhow, my aunt actually adapted a poem from James Kisner called "In My Eyes" (original text here) but changed to reflect his. Quite interesting to read really. At least now I remembered what was his favorite song :)
Society would say
He has no classy attributes... See More
To help him on his way
He's not a fancy dresser
And he's just trimmed and neat
With simple clothes and simple shoes
He wears upon his feet.
He doesnt belong to a club
Or drive a shiny car
And when he takes vacations
He does not go very far.
He doesnt dine on fine cuisine
To him eating something western is a treat
And he may use a plastic fork
When it is time to eat.
He has a modest little house
But has all that he needs
He keeps his house spick and span
He even mops the floor till it sparkles!
He works long hours at his job
To make an average pay
And even if he's sick or tired
He goes to work each day
Thinking of the 6 mouths he has to feed
His job is just a government jobj
His pay just makes ends meet
But a few good friends and family
Makes his life complete.
He's not well versed in poetry
Theater or the arts
But Acker Bilk is his favourite
"Strangers on the shore" was the song
He loves the simple things in life
For riches doesnt thirst
He knows what is important
And his family is put first
The wealth that God has given him
To treasure in his life
Loving sons and daughters,
Grandchildren and great grandsons
And a very special wife.
He never has much money
And his life is not a show
But he is still the RICHEST MAN
That I will ever know.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The NEP Is Over. Period.
The NEP is over.
I ask the government to have the courage to face up to this. The people already know.
The real problem is that the UMNO Youth wing still harps on this thing as a low cost way to portray themselves as the champion.
Piecemeal policies as they say ain't going to do much.
If politics preceeds economics as what the path they are dictating now, they will be whacked.
Perhaps a Bretton Woods III agreement should come out, but chances are not given of the insistence of superiority of the US Dollar.
There are some people who are not politicians but know better than they do to handle the economy and rebuild or restore it to decency. In that case, just give the job to them if you can't handle it. If you think it's a loss of political power by giving the task to them, you're in pipe dream.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Rembau Terpaku, Pasir Salak Terduduk
This video features where Khairy and Tajuddin Rahman got hit verbally back on liquor by Saifuddin Nasution.
Kena Tibai!!!!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
One Step Backwards For Nazri
EC Should Look Into Automatic Registration Says Khairy
KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 — Umno Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin said today that the Election Commission (EC) should seriously consider looking into an automatic voter registration system.His remarks come despite the fact that the government announced this morning in Parliament that it had no plans to introduce an automatic voter registration system.
“I’ve always been keen, pro-auto registration. The EC should look into this. Of course it will take some time and effort, but I feel that this is necessary,” he told The Malaysian Insider in Parliament.
Khairy, who is also Rembau MP, asserted that the issue here was how to find ways to make voting easier for future voters.
He said that he did not quite agree with the government’s stand on the matter, and would discuss it with Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak soon.
“The issue here is not whether they (voters) should be registering or not. Their choice should be whether they want to vote, or otherwise,” he added.
Earlier, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said the government would continue with the existing procedures and policies and would not force the people to exercise their rights. - The Malaysian Insider , 18 March
Actually, Nazri Aziz didn't really look further into automating the registration process. As the EC Chairman said, part of the reason would be on cost-saving. And on the voters side, it is meant to eliminate the hassle to go to the post office or any state EC office to register.
In a week after I hit 21 in November 2005, I immediately went to the EC office in Ipoh and told the staff on duty that I duly wished to register as a voter. That is at that time, I have plenty of time and still clearly remembered what to do when hitting 21.
Let's say you are busy with other things, maybe your studies and you just hit 21. After a while, you might not remember your right to vote because you are too busy in doing other commitments. The more things you are doing in succession, you will end up forgetting.
The 4 million plus unregistered but eligible people to vote is worrying for the EC and what Khairy said about automating registration makes it easier since the EC voter's database can link up with the National Registry Database and can do register itself. It's not to say undemocratic, but it solves problems by killing birds in one stone.
Why are you moving backwards, Nazri? Are you not aware of this or is this for political mileage?
A Very Frightened Malaysian Writes.
Very frightened Malaysian abroad writes
A loyal Malaysian is loath to return home because of the NEP policy.
Very frightened Malaysian abroad writes :
I HAVE been meaning to pen some thoughts for some time now, to let people actually read the views of the typical 'overseas Malaysian' who is kept away. I realise that my email is rather long, but I do hope that you would consider publishing it (and also keep my name private!).
I shall start by telling a little about my background. Mine is a rather sad tale - of a young Malaysian full of hope and patriotic enthusiasm, which is slowly but surely trickling away.
I am very different from many other non-bumiputeras, as I was given tremendous opportunities throughout my childhood.. Born into a middle-class Chinese but English-speaking family, I grew up with all the privileges of imported books, computers, piano/violin lessons and tuition teachers.
My parents insisted that I should be exposed to a multi-racial education in a national school. In my time, my urban national school (a missionary school) was a truly happy place - where the Malays, Chinese and Indian students were roughly equal in proportion. We played and laughed with each other, and studied the history of the world together during Form 4, with one interesting chapter dedicated to Islamic history.
Though 75% of my teachers were Malays, I never really noticed. My Malay teachers were the kindest to me - teaching me well and offering me every possible opportunity to develop. I led the district teams for English and Bahasa Malaysia debating competitions. I was the only non-Malay finalist in the Bahasa Malaysian state-level elocution competition. My Malay teachers encouraged me to transfer to a government residential school ( sekolah berasrama penuh) so as to enable me to maximise my academic potential. I refused because I was happy where I was, so they made me head prefect and nominated me as a 'Tokoh Pelajar Kebangsaan'. Till this day, I am absolutely certain that it was the kindness of all my Malay teachers which made me a true Malaysian.
I excelled at school and was offered a Singaporean government scholarship to study overseas. I turned them down because I wanted to ensure that I would remain a 'true Malaysian' in the eyes of Malaysia.. So I accepted a Malaysian government scholarship to study at Oxford University .
Throughout my three years as an undergraduate, the officers at the MSD looked after me very well, and was always there to offer support. I graduated with first class honours, and was offered a job with a leading investment bank. The JPA released me from my bond, so as to enable me to develop my potential. I shall always be grateful for that. I worked hard and rose in rank. My employer sent to me to Harvard University for postgraduate study and I climbed further up their meritocratic ladder.
Now I am 31 years old and draw a comfortable monthly salary of US$22,000. Yet, I yearn to return home.. I miss my home, my family, my friends, my Malaysian hawker food and the life in Malaysia . I have been asked many times by Singaporean government agencies to join them on very lucrative terms, but I have always refused due to my inherent patriotism.
Crushing down
I really want to return home. I have been told by government-linked corporations and private companies in Malaysia that at best, I would still have to take a 70% pay cut if I return to Malaysia to work. I am prepared and willing to accept that. My country has done a lot for me, so I should not complain about money.
But of late, my idealistic vision of my country has really come crashing down, harder and faster than ever before. I read about the annual fiasco involving non-bumiputera top scorers who are denied entry to critical courses at local universities and are offered forestry and fisheries instead. (My cousin scored 10A1's for SPM and yet was denied a scholarship).
I read about Umno Youth attacking the so-called meritocracy system because there are less than 60% of Malay students in law and pharmacy, whilst conveniently keeping silent about the fact that 90% of overseas scholarship recipients are Malays and that Malays form the vast majority in courses like medicine, accountancy and engineering at local universities.
I read about the Higher Education Minister promising that non-bumiputera Malaysians will never ever step foot into UiTM.
I read about a poor Chinese teacher's daughter with 11A1's being denied a scholarship, while I know some Malay friends who scored 7A's and whose parents are millionaires being given scholarships.
I read about the brilliant Prof KS Jomo ( right), who was denied a promotion to Senior Professor (not even to Head of Department), although he was backed by references from three Nobel Prize winners. Of course, his talent is recognised by a prestigious appointment at the United Nations.
I read about Umno Youth accusing Chinese schools of being detrimental to racial integration, while demanding that Mara Junior Science Colleges and other residential schools be kept only for Malays.
I read about the Malay newspaper editors attacking the private sector for not appointing enough Malays to senior management level, whilst insisting that the government always ensure that Malays dominate anything government-related.
I read that at our local universities, not a single vice-chancellor or deputy vice-chancellor is non-Malay.
I read that in the government, not a single secretary-general of any ministry is non-Malay. The same goes for all government agencies like the police, armed forces, etc.
I read about Umno screaming for the Malay Agenda, but accusing everyone else of racism for whispering about equality.
I tremble with fear
I read about a poor Indian lady having to pay full price for a low-cost house after being dispossessed from a plantation, whilst Malay millionaires demand their 10% bumiputera discount when buying RM2 million bungalows in a gated community.
I read about my beloved national schools becoming more and more Islamic by the day, enforced by overzealous principals.
I read about my Form 4 World History (Sejarah Dunia) syllabus, which now contains only one chapter of world history, with Islamic history covering the rest of the book.
As I read all this, I tremble with fear. I love my country and long to return. I am willing to take a 70% pay cut. I am willing to face a demotion. I honestly want to contribute my expertise in complex financial services and capital markets. But really, is there a future for me, for my children and for their children? I am truly frightened.
I can deal with the lack of democracy, the lack of press freedom, the ISA, our inefficient and bureaucratic civil service, our awful manners and even a little corruption. But I cannot deal with racism in my homeland.
I think this is the single biggest factor which is keeping people like myself away. And bear in mind - there are so many of us (researchers, scientists, bankers, economists, lawyers, academics, etc.).
What people read about in Malaysia (like Dr Terence Gomez) is but the tiniest tip of the iceberg. You will be amazed to know about Malaysians denied JPA scholarships (which would have made them civil servants), took loans to attend Ivy League universities, but who are later asked to advise our government (on IT, economics, etc.) at fees running to millions of US dollars. Such information will never be published because it is politically incorrect.
As a Christian, I pray for God's blessing on this great country of ours. I pray that He blesses our leaders with the foresight and humanity to see that this will not work and cannot continue. I pray that they will have the strength to make our country a home for all Malaysians and that they will have mercy for the poor, including the non-Malays. I pray for true racial harmony and acceptance (not just tolerance) in Malaysia . -
Yours sincerely,
A very frightened Malaysian abroad.
SC Yen
Is This For Real?
References of 1Malaysia and 1Israel
Anwar Says 1Malaysia Used To Be 1IsraelKUALA LUMPUR, March 17 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today linked Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s “1 Malaysia” to a previous campaign called “1 Israel”, pushing a sensitive point in a country opposed to the Zionist regime.
Debating heatedly with Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin in parliament, the opposition leader claimed Najib’s image consultants, Apco Worldwide, were led by Israelis who worked on former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s campaign called “1 Israel”.
Despite resounding taunts from the floor, Anwar continued to claim that the consultancy was led by two Israeli leaders, one who was formerly the Israeli ambassador to the US.
“Ehud Barak hired the same company, Apco, in 1999 and they advised him to use the same concept of 1 Malaysia. And just last year, Apco advised Najib to use 1 Malaysia. You can interpret the rest on your own,” the PKR leader said
This, he added, proved that it was not true that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) was a
tool used by the Jews.At this juncture, Khairy, who is also the Rembau MP stood up to demand that Anwar showed evidence that the “1 Israel” concept was a brainchild of Apco.
Labelling the former deputy prime minister “complicit”, Khairy then questioned Anwar’s relationship with Paul Wolfowitz, known to be one of the architects to the US war against Iraq. Amid the barrage of angry shouts, Anwar admitted to his acquaintance with Wolfowitz saying he had nothing to hide and that he had met with Wolfowitz when he was a lecturer in the John Hopkins University after he was released from prison.
Earlier, Khairy clashed with Anwar first when he interrupted the parliamentary leader in his speech on how the PR-led governments had been wrongly painted as anti-Malay.
Anwar said that this was not true for the PR in Perak and in Terengganu had awarded land rights not only to the Chinese but also to a large community of the Malays.
“But when there was a shift in power, the BN stopped these policies. They cancelled them. Yet they say we are anti-Malays,” he said.
Anwar added that the BN was the one who had been awarding “mountains” to gambling tycoons, referring to the late Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong and his gambling haven of Genting Highlands.
“You can award mountains, hills to them,” he said.
Khairy then poked fun at Anwar and said, “Did you not award this same mountain to the so-called gambling tycoon when you were finance minister? Is this not true? Why don’t you answer that?” he said.
He went on to claim that Anwar had also been seen on video dancing with “the daughter of the gambling tycoon”. “You deny this? Is this not true?” he said amid raucous laughter.
Anwar then admitted to dancing but accused BN’s Muslim leaders of “guzzling” alcohol.
“They see me dance a little and they talk a lot but when it comes to them, it is ok to guzzle alcohol,” he said. -- The Malaysian Insider , 17 March
As you may know, Anwar has spilled the thing out about APCO and this 1Malaysia, 1Israel thing really. The ex-Israeli ambassadors that forms part of the APCO international advisory council, as Anwar said are Itamar Rabinovich and Shimon Stein, as to speak.
In fact this is also hinted in the Bible's Book of Revelations, which mentions of the Anti-Christ. Obviously, he would definitely advocate those concepts like one-world government, one-world currency and its relevance - to control people and slowly reducing the amount of population by 2/3rds. But we can know the signs of the coming - now second sign - if the original site of Solomon's Temple - currently The Dome of the Rock mosque and its territories are regained by Israel from Palestine.
A New World Order, so to speak. But when will it happen? Could it be within this 10 years?
What most people don't know that the name of the propaganda can seem easy to know but it can be the other way round if you look beyond what it is said there.
That is why people will have to be very careful of using this 1 as a prefix to something else.
Remember one of the know lines from the Lord of The Rings? One ring to rule them all? Sounds coincidence with the 1 campaign that you hear in places including ours as well...
Sorry, but it's up to you to make things out of this.
What, Self-Praisal, Worship, What Else?
Anwar Sindir Najib Puji Diri Sendiri
Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menyindir Datuk Seri Najib Razak kerana memuatkan pujian kepada diri sendiri dalam teks titah ucapan Duli Yang Maha Mulia Yang Di Pertuan Agong sewaktu merasmikan sidang parlimen dua hari lalu.
“Jarang berlaku dalam ucapan titah Yang Di Pertuan Agong, perdana menteri secara peribadi memuji dirinya sendiri,” sindir Anwar tengah hari tadi sambil disambut gelak ketawa oleh Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat di dewan Rakyat.
Dalam nada yang jenaka, Anwar yang juga Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh menasihatkan Najib supaya memuatkan ucapan penghargaan kepada Umno BN kerana berjaya mengekalkan kuasa dalam kerajaan.
“Tanpa rasa malu Perdana Menteri memuji dirinya sendiri, selalunya diletakkan tahniah kepada kerajaan kerana menang pilihan raya, itu kebiasaannya,”
Disebabkan Speaker Dewan Datuk Donald Kiandee tidak menghalang seloroh itu, Anwar terus membaca teks titah ucapan yang dimaksudkan beliau.
“Para pemimpin hendaklah mencontohi Memanda Perdana Menteri (Najib),” kata Anwar.
Tambah Anwar lagi, sidang kali ini turut mencipta sejarah apabila Datin Seri Rosmah Mansur, iaitu isteri kepada Perdana Menteri turut dipuji secara peribadi dalam titah ucapan tersebut.
“Bukan setakat itu tuan speaker, inilah kali yang pertama dalam sejarah di mana dalam Titah Diraja, suatu pujian khusus pada insiatif yang dibuat oleh isteri perdana menteri,” sindir Anwar lagi.
“Berikutan kejayaan program Permata Negara, Permata Pintar, Permata Seni, Permata Insan Permata Remaja, Ini Permata yang memang menjadi projek istimewa si isteri jelita,” kata Anwar lagi.
Anwar yang juga Ketua Umum PKR berkata, teguruan khusus kepada perdana menteri itu bukanlah bermakna memperkecil titah ucapan DYMM Tuanku Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin.
Menurut beliau, konsep raja berperlembagaan yang diamalkan di Malaysia bermakna kerajaan yang memerintah menyediakan titah ucapan yang kemudiannya disemak dan diperkenan oleh seorang Yang Dipertuan Agong.
Maka, kata Anwar, Najib selaku ketua kerajaan bertanggungjawab menyediakan draf ucapan titah ucapan tersebut.
Tindakan Najib itu tegasnya sekaligus boleh merosakkan imej dan tradisi raja berpelembagaan yang selama ini dilaksanakan di Parlimen.
Beliau juga menasihatkan kerajaan supaya tidak mengulangi perbuatan serupa di Dewan Rakyat yang mulia itu.
“Ini yang nak saya perbetulkan supaya pujian-pujian pada diri sendiri seperti ini tidak lagi berulang,” tegas Anwar. -- Harakah 17 March
Never before I have heard of a opening speech by the King that specifically calls for a praisal to Najib and Rosmah that was mentioned in there.
When the news comes to the papers, the way it was written was to say that as if it was the words of the King himself. But there are people who still don't know that the text was prepared by the Prime Minister's Department and not by the King himself.
“Jarang berlaku dalam ucapan titah Yang Di Pertuan Agong, perdana menteri secara peribadi memuji dirinya sendiri,” sindir Anwar tengah hari tadi sambil disambut gelak ketawa oleh Ahli Parlimen Pakatan Rakyat di dewan Rakyat.I read this line above and I thought it's more or less of demanding admiration from people. Admiration is not to be demanded but to be earned, the same way it goes as respect. The name Rosmah is also mentioned, but in the previous years persons are not mentioned at the prepared text at all! Sounds like it also reminds me of the time of pharoahs...
Look closely...
“Bukan setakat itu tuan speaker, inilah kali yang pertama dalam sejarah di mana dalam Titah Diraja, suatu pujian khusus pada insiatif yang dibuat oleh isteri perdana menteri,” sindir Anwar lagi.
“Berikutan kejayaan program Permata Negara, Permata Pintar, Permata Seni, Permata Insan Permata Remaja, Ini Permata yang memang menjadi projek istimewa si isteri jelita,” kata Anwar lagi.
Yes, I was too young to know then but people told me that the Agong, then the late Sultan of Johor threw the prepared text away and started saying his own things in the opening of the Parliament. Apparently, he was disgusted of the prepared text.
I am really interested to find out who the hell in the PM's department wrote that speech. I better hope it's not those speech writers from APCO that wrote those.....shit.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Amavasya For Curiosity, Anyone?
Due to movie mania, Amavasya is considered the idea moment of performing black magic and acts since the night of Amavasya is considered pitch black night day.
Previously back in 2008, Malaysia Today ran an interesting story featuring a testimony and statutory declaration by an ex-driver of Kenneth Eswaran, a close associate of Najib and Rosmah. You have to read first before understanding it. Since tonight is the monthly Amavasya day, with the next one being on the 14th of April, why not we find out whether those things are still done until today or not at either of the two residences throughout the year of 2010?
Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Two Faces of Ibrahim Ali

Pic from MI
Well, people, now we can see the two faces of Ibrahim Ali, then what do you do then? Still be a fool and remain in Perkasa or play a wise cookie and jump out?
Let's recall one of the common myths of UMNO mentioned in the Malay Stupidity Project written by Hisham Rais:
Cara pertama: Menakut-nakutkan Melayu tentang bahaya orang asing. Orang asing yang dimaksudkan oleh gerombolan ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan - orang Cina. Kaum ini dijadikan “momok” untuk terus menakut-nakutkan orang Melayu. Akan ditimbulkan pelbagai cerita untuk membuktikan bahawa ekonomi negara ini dimiliki oleh orang Cina. Racun membenci Cina telah memandulkan fikrah Melayu untuk melihat dengan jelas bahawa wujud persekongkolan intim antara kroni gerombolan United Malays National Organisation dengan para cukong Cina. Para cukong yang mengaut harta kekayaan sebenarnya bekerjasama dengan gerombolan United Malays National Organisation - kerjasama mereka ini seperti hubungan abang dengan adik.Look at the 2003 leaflet below. It doesn't lie. Full article here.
So even if he replies to "So what?" Perkasa has scored an own goal courtesy of the ship's captain.

Friday, March 12, 2010
Gruntings By Malaysians - #Case 1
I got an e-mail written by a Malaysian in Singapore, forwarded to me by my friend. I reproduce the following mail below
Is it not ironic that one of Malaysia's biggest embarrassments of this era is the Malaysian Embassy in Singapore. 20 years have passed, I have personally seen this and experienced it; and to date NOTHING has changed. Excuse this not the year 2010?
Why?.. with all the latest technology available, all the big and bold talk about "PRODUKTIVITI" & "MALAYSIA BOLEH". Changing the "Salam" by placing your hand on your heart to show sincerity?
Maybe someone forgot to inform all the people at the Malaysian Embassy in Singapore that it is the 21st Century. The Embassy is a representation of the people for the people. Or am i wrong or have i been on the moon for the past decade?
What is prevailing is their pre-historic work ethics and attitudes. This is the main reason we have a system that can never improve, because the people in the drivers seat are enforcing the poor work ethics in anything they do. They don't care...plain and simple.
Still the same "tidak apa" attitude. Still the same "gaji sama tapi kerja lebih" attitude. I ask every Malaysian..are we not so tired of this? When are we going to see some change and not just talk? How long more do tolerate this before something is done? Another 20 years?
What is the use of having an Embassy filled with LAZY people. The same people who are the FIRST to respond to any criticism with either a denial or a different version of a story we all read and know its untrue. People who just "cant be bothered" and will give you every and any excuse possible to cover their poor performance and lack of responsibility. Basically re-enforcing their "tidak apa attitude". Makes me sick to the stomach.
To what you may ask is my immediate frustration? I went to the embassy yesterday at 10am as i needed to renew my passport. 2 security guards were comfortably sitting in their office chatting away. Yes, after 10am our embassy security they are paid to sit in their office and talk about football and the latest scores.
"What you want" was the first thing they said to me. No good morning, how may I assist you or even the slightest gesture of courtesy. My response was that I would like to renew my passport. Without a blink of an eye they both started laughing as if I was asking when in Malaysia Elvis was residing. "No more number" they time come earlier. Slid the glass panel shut and continued with their conversation. At this point I felt well I'd just try again tomorrow.
This morning I was there at 7.30am...again I approached the same security guards. They did not recognize me and again I asked them for a queue number to renew my passport. This time the laughing was a little more sarcastic and they both blatantly told me..."halo" better you come at 4am and line up. Maybe when we give out numbers at 7.10am you can get a ticket. We only issue 150 tickets a day. You don't get.. not our problem..we cannot do anything. Embassy rules. Hence this email to all my fellow Malaysians. It is time to speak up to stop this incorrigible attitude.
So I am to believe that the entire Malaysian Embassy is only able to process 150 applicants or renewals a day? And we are blatantly told we have to line up at 4am or literally drop dead? I asked around, and the response from many people was the same. One auntie was there since 8am...she must have been about 65 years old. Did the embassy staff even bother? I would like to ask, would they let their own mother stand in the hot sun for half a day just to get her passport renewed?
They don't care and they have the attitude that if we don't come even before the chickens awake in Malaysia its not their problem.
I called the embassy, asking to speak to an officer pertaining to this. A rude lady answered, "yes what you want"...I replied i would like to speak to an officer pertaining to the difficulty of renewing a passport. She blatantly responded "you want to complain" go ahead, you think you are the first person who want to complain"?. And hung up the phone.
I do hope there is a glimmer of hope left in our system. Hope that there is a possibility of change. Lets be realistic...20 years and nothing has changed. It is a major embarrassment to the country.
I have had better productivity from a embassy in a 3rd world country where they transport your papers via land on horseback and sea by boat...and its done in a few hours.
Or maybe the 150 applicant documents processed at the embassy here are put in a sampan and rowed along the straits of Malacca to Port Klang where they are transferred to a Kereta Lembu before reaching the embassy in KL for the appropriate signatures?
Malaysia, it is time to speak up. The truth is undeniable.
Andrew Johnson
CEO & Managing Director
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tak Boleh To Local Govt. Elections
Of course this is a double-edge sword. For Kelantan and Selangor in particular, having a PR state government with departments that has staff loyalty to Barisan Nasional, it will give people a wrong perception in how the state is administered. Just like in Selangor, people are complaining of needing approval from UMNO men before you can do something.
But anyhow, looking at the bright side, the time of confrontation and emergency is way faded into the shadows that can no longer be feared upon. So it can be brought back. But you need to repeal the clause included in the Local Government Act 1976 to do that. Plus you need the Election Commission to give a go ahead. So I'd say that BN-majority parliament will shoot down the idea immediately.
Big Mama of course will say no to that idea. But still it is indeed a lose-lose situation for Najib. If PR goes ahead, other BN states will have to do so, follow suit and it does not bode well for Najib and Big Mama, especially if this happens in Perak. Things will go other way round against their favor. Since Najib says no, it is also considered a political and perception win for the PR because this shows how democratic and more moderate they are than BN as they claimed to be.
Faisal Tehrani, who wrote a short story used for SPM BM literature, "Kerana Manisnya Epal" put up an interesting piece that is no doubt a dig at Najib and Bik Mama. Takut bini, as many would say about the first couple. Yes, it can be funny but true indeed, and this could put a color anecdote to what is above about rejecting a Local Government Election.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
It's Utter Bullshit And Still The Same.
The Malaysian Insider - 8 March 2010
Malay nationalist group Perkasa warns that the Chinese community will use the next general election to take over the country.
Perkasa feels that the last general election weakened the Malays and empowered the Chinese community.
Dr Zubir Harun, director of Perkasa’ economic bureau, who was at the Malay Consultative Council’s (MPM) round-table discussion, said during his presentation that a divided Malay community will empower the other races.
According to delegates at the discussion and documents received by The Malaysian Insider, Perkasa wants the New Economic Policy (NEP) to be the “spirit” of the New Economic Model (NEM).
“Perkasa believes that disunity among the Malays has weakened Umno, causing the non-Malays to be more vocal in their demands. They say that the Chinese are also blackmailing the government to give in to their demands by threatening to vote for Pakatan Rakyat,” said one of the delegates.
Zubir also said that Perkasa is worried that the New Economic Model will have a Chinese agenda.
“The Chinese people feel that the next general election is the best opportunity for them to gain power in this country.
“This is why Chinese NGOs, such as Ziong Dong and Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce, are using this chance to make demands of the government. If their demands are not met, then they will vote Pakatan Rakyat who are willing to give everything to the Chinese,” he elaborated in his presentation.
Zubir added that the Malays have “sacrificed” for the country by allowing “the immigrants” to live in Malaysia.
People would find it very offending for the hardlined stance that Perkasa chose to take by whacking others and say that the Chinese will take over next election. This whole thing is absolutely utter rubbish and it is meant to make a fool out of people particularly those in the heartland rural areas.
This is a classic case example of Projek Pembodohan Melayu - or Malay Stupidity Project, by injecting the myth that the Chinese will do kill Malays and blah blah blah. It is actually a pipe dream, something that does not exist in reality. It is merely a fairy tale, meant to scare people out like ghost stories that people here decades ago.
It will still be the same thing as the present NEM, with nothing to change about significantly.
The claim that Chinese will take over Malays in general election by numbers is illogical since it has been established that around 60% plus minus or approximately 17 million Malaysians are Malays. Doesn't make sense for the others to take over, apart from this to spook people, hoodwink people and make a fool out of them.
Of course the word of caution of not letting the prices determined by the market is logical since letting them do so means letting EHMs whacking the country for money and making Malaysia, if not controlled something that Greece is facing today.
Then again, Zubir should know that Malays too come from other parts of Asia as well, like Minangkabau, Java, etc...what, you yourself don't know that you're descended from emigrants too?
What If They Didn't Apologize?
Anyhow, one can imagine how worse it could get if they don't do so. If they don't do so, then it will be the big man representing the race majority (who else besides the Agong of course?) that will have to apologize. Otherwise, there will be more hate and boos from the other races against it. And of course they can't afford to have the 1Malaysia slogan chucked away. I remembered of taking a page from someone who recalled Nik Aziz personally apologizing to the Christian community in Kota Bahru when the local government authorities bulldozed a place of worship without his knowledge.
I can only think of one reason of why the A-G would not charge the two reporters, although whatever he does is making a fool out of himself. Of course we do know that once the AG makes the recommendations the PM has the say on yes or no. But given that this is religion vs religion attack, if the AG goes ahead, it would be a backlash from the hardliners of Najib's own coalition - whacking own Malays and so forth, and thus turning it into a racial issue. Something which is terrible and could implode within his own force.
Monday, March 8, 2010
This Blog Is 3 Years Old!

7 March is always the birthday of this blog.
Unfortunately, in the past few months or so, I was not able to live up to writing one post per day. I wish I can do so but I have been held back by so much work that I simply get exhausted after work. Or sometimes I am not able to have what I want to say in hand to write here. So, this is what I must confess here really. And I am trying very hard to put in whatever I want to say here.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Zul Noordin Gets Fired. Better than never!

Zul Noordin has been given the boot. This is first reported by Malaysiakini. I've already anticipated. Many think he's a loose cannon and had run-ins against party on a few occasions. The one occasion I clearly remembered was during the forum in the Bar Council office that was abruptly stopped when he and the GPMS man Jais Karim simply barraged in through and called the stop as if it was nobody's business.

To walk away from a multi-racial panelists who were prepared to hear his views as blowing his last chance away to defend himself. So it was a mistake. Hardlined views have spooked people even in his consittuency.
Of course Zaid is happy. But I always remembered some wise men told me, if you consider of joining a political party, you have to toe the line. If you don't you get into trouble. No space for loose cannons really! It can be painful to throw a loyalist member but sometimes it may have to do for a long run.
Let's not be happy for now since he's given 14 days to appeal. So just how our breaths for now.
The one demand from Anwar is to vacate Kulim and if that happens, another By-Election later, I suppose.
Kow Tow Kow Tow!!! Wooofff!! Yes Master!!!

It took one complaint from UMNO and its NGOs over P. Gunasegaran's article to the Home Ministry and then the Ministry sent a letter to the Star paper over a logical criticism which seems to make sense to some readers there. Simply because of the unfound reason of thinking the article simply whacks Islam and Malays for nothing (they didn't read deep enough to understand) that the weekly column never see the light the weeks following that incident.
Another weekly column fell victim to that similar circumstance, which is Marina's Mahathir column. Since there was a letter mentioning that they are unwilling to publish that, the other alternative of publishing her liberal-minded views was in her blog with the posting called "The Column That Wasn't There."
Will other columns from guest columnists in the Star paper becoming the next victim? It seems that the Star has already capitulated to the Ministry, whom in turn bowed down to the demands of the immature NGO groups and its patron, United Malays National Organization. You can say the previous line from a point of view, but here, taking into account of the law and the general public opinion of the article was never considered. All it takes is just turning into a race and religion issue.
The Star with that simply kow tows to to arrogant people although logically and by law, they did nothing wrong. So does the MCA, which is the parent owner of the paper. Finally, after months, they finally go for the fresh polls with Chua Soi Lek and some of his faction central committee members. It is only after a few days ago UMNO steps in and gave them an ultimatum that fresh polls was taken. But then, in this case, Najib should not use UMNO to step in, because it is portrayed as big brother coming in. To portray the 1Malaysia spirit, they could have take MCA into a collective council of BN and sort it out. But this ain't walking the 1Malaysia talk, ain't it?
Finally, look at the the reaction after that from Muhyiddin foolowing the announcement - positive step towards ending the crisis. But in the behind the scenes view, I had a slightest feeling that the thing was instigated to have MCA run by a faction that is favored by might not agree on it, but I had a feeling. But this comes after the ultimatum. So do you notice of kow towing there? Still saying that MCA has restored credibility, but this..?
The Column That Wasn't
Marina Mahathir
When we want to compete with anyone in any field we seek those who are better than us. And we keep going until finally we are recognized as the best. For example, a tennis player starts at the unranked bottom and tries to play and win against better players until finally there is nobody to beat.
We do not however insist that everybody comes down to our level or to play badly in order for us to win.
This is what puzzles me about the syariah courts in our country. In 1988 a clause was inserted into our Constitution that has been interpreted as having erected a Berlin Wall between the syariah and the civil courts. Basically Article 121(1A) said “the courts referred to in Clause (1) shall have no jurisdiction in respect of any matter within the jurisdiction of the syariah courts." This has caused untold problems because real life sometimes dictates that some issues cross over both jurisdictions. But leave that aside for a moment.
Although the new clause did not say that the two separate courts were equal to one another, there are some people who are of the view that the syariah court is superior to the civil courts simply because syariah law is deemed of a higher order than civil laws. This is because apparently God made syariah laws while mere human beings made the civil laws. Never mind the fact that human beings have been changing syariah laws over the years, for instance, by loosening laws that protected women from losing all their property to their divorced husbands. Like other laws in this country, syariah laws have to be drafted, tabled and passed through our various lawmaking bodies whether at the State or Federal levels. This process leaves a lot of human fingerprints all over them.
Civil laws are drafted, tabled and passed through Parliament. The difference is that at the tabling stage , they have to be debated before they are passed. The quality of the debate may be sometimes wanting but debated they are. This process provides some sort of ‘quality control’ over the laws so that they are hopefully current, reflect realities and are just.
The same does not hold true of syariah laws. When they get tabled at State Excos, non-Muslims do not participate because there is the notion that they cannot partake in any such debate. That leaves only the Muslim Excos, few of whom are women. This means that if a bill affects women, the opinions of the female minority in the Exco can be ignored. Furthermore, most people are ignorant about their religion and tend to leave these matters to those they believe know best. Thus if the State Mufti or religious adviser says it’s a good law, they are unlikely to challenge him. Thus are religious laws passed unscrutinised.
Until, that is, something happens such as when someone gets convicted of a syariah crime and punishment is meted out. Who knew until recently that people could get caned for drinking, or for having a baby out of wedlock until the recent cases of Kartika and the three women?
Not only are these laws not debated when they are being made but they can’t be debated afterwards either, unlike civil laws. To do so, according to some people, is akin to arguing with God it seems. (There are however some who think that God welcomes such arguments just so that He can prove He is right).
If one believes that syariah laws are superior to civil laws, should they not be held to higher standards? Should they not be subjected to more rigorous debate than civil laws out of fear that they may be unjust? If syariah courts are deemed superior to civil courts, should not their processes be more transparent and efficient? How is it that there are innumerable women having to undergo tremendous suffering because syariah court orders to their divorced husbands to pay child maintenance cannot be enforced?
How is it also that we suddenly hear about women being caned without any information about the processes they went through? Did they have the benefit of legal representation and heard in an open court? If they did, who were their lawyers and what defense did they mount?
Surely the best court of law is one that strives for justice, which shows it is fair to all parties. In this case, on whose behalf was justice served?
I have no problems with syariah laws if their foundation is justice, equality and non-discrimination for all, even non-Muslims. But when their intent, processes and enforcement are unfair, they only give the impression that Islam is unjust and discriminatory. Surely to give such an image of Islam is a sin.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Our Taxpayer Money For Player Politician Transfers

This modus operandi was almost the same as what happened last year to those two PKR assemblymen in Perak. In Perak, the man responsible of being Najib's bagman was FELCRA chairman Hamzah Zainuddin (see my post last year) who went around offering money of RM 5 million per politician. For Hee, it was an exceptional case that was handled by someone else. For our ex-PKR two, they were promised the same amount but from what I was told by some PKR people, until today, they have yet to get the entire amount in full. Ominous rumors of them planning to go back did circle around for a while, but the PKR state division is unlikely to take them back or so to speak.
Thankfully, we have an exposee by Pete that reveals who are the bagmen and agents that are running around buying people from the PR fold. The interesting thing in there were the names of those who were involved in the buying of players. For example, Lt. Gen. Salleh Ismail of the Military Intelligence was synonymous to being one of the few people to quickly deny of Altantuya murder Military intelligence when word of such existence hit the streets in June 2008. Then you have the husband of Mumtaz Jaafar, a close associate of Rosmah and Saiful's godmother mentioned in there, and so to speak. The one or two paragraphs in there gave me a feeling and inference that those players mentioned there, are possibly those who had to cover their asses of the First Couple over the Altantuya murder, which means saying there's no such thing of that and various other excuses.
Talk about RM 50 million to buy at least 10 MPs from the opposition out, at RM 5 million per person is more or less using tax money paid by us to buy them out. For Tee Beng's case, they settled debts of RM 2 million in exchange of being BN-friendly, as it case indirectly spells out. Can you imagine of money that we paid use for something bad and not for improvements? I pay 7% tax in addition to our 10% service and 5% Gomen Tax and my money is wasted for this? Can you think of a portion of Import duties and other duties relevant is used for this political agenda?
In the last few days whenever a MP announces the decision to go out, Din Hashim is always seen next or behind him. I asked a friend of mine, why is he there all the time? Could it be that Din has one more grudge score to settle with Anwar and PKR? It can be or it can be something else really. Malaysiakini has wrote that although 12 MPs came out to assure their loyalty, question marks still remain on Wee Choo Keong and Zul Noordin.
I am ashame to see my tax money ended up by scum for buying players to join the gomen fold. without my permission I also came to realize that the gerrymandering they really want to do and other things is a stupid thing to do. What they simply do not know that gerrymandering is an Economic Hit Man weapon and doing so could mean that they are selling the nation's pride and economy to outsiders and we all could end up as coolies in future. What if I suddenly say no to such practices that I will not pay my this year's income tax?
So who is actually selling Malaysia and the our hard-earned resources out?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Politics Intefering With Jobs?
According to the article, Zahid Hamidi, UMNO State Chief in Penang wanted personal information of the 37 teachers allegedly to show opposition links and more info of their respective family members history, etc.. Of course this is going too far with politics interfering with people's career in teaching.
This is not the only time such thing happened. Government officials voting in Putrajaya were encountering a similar situation and dilemma - vote for BN or get sacked.
Forcing a vote on one side, I suppose. I think a lesson needs to be taught at Bagan Datoh in future.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Wake Up Pillay! This Is Not A Dream!

I am not surprised that the deputy minister one Mr. Kohilan Pillay simply opened his mouth and said that opposition politicians smear the nation's image by bad-mouthing it to the international press or something. I'm simply repeating this over and over again, this is one of Malaysia's achilles heels that makes it susceptible to international criticism and consequential embarrassment.
See the thing is, many politicians in the current Barisan Nasional fold are still in the dreamland, and with the help of their controlled-MSM-media in their pockets, they are still dreaming that Malaysia is good old same old and so forth, with nothing happening externally and internally that could damage the country.
But people already know. It's the world that wants to know. Know about what? What's really happening. What really happened about the caning. What is the current state of economy? Is it really safe to go in compared to what is said on official media? And perhaps the unfinished mystery of Altantuya, who killed her? Who ordered it? Who are the players responsible.
There are many things the world are pretty skeptical of the half-truth answers given. Sure, some truths are a bitter and pain in the ass but it's the harsh reality that everyone has to face. So, Pillay, wake up. Dreaming is over. This is the harsh reality that Malaysia will have to go through.
Creating More Kaki Bodeks in Malaysia
There was a woman who wrote a letter to Harakah that points out how her son in a prestigious school in Malaysia was forced to write a praise letter of 1Malaysia to Najib on the directive of the principal, failure in which there would be no outing for that student in particular.
There's the problem with the Malaysian education system, creating more people that are not autonomous, unable to think on their own and being too bodek.
Who's more foolish? A fool himself or the fool that follows the fool?
More wackiness from Hisham Rais here.