Sunday, September 30, 2007

Forum Report: Collapse of Law and Order

I was at the forum entitled Collapse of Law and Order on Saturday with a few fellow bloggers including James (Clare Street) and Howsy, who was sitting next to me.

The complete report of the posting can be seen at his blog posting.

You can see another one at Hafiz's.

The pictures that you would see were taken just next to me as well. He didn't move out of the row of seats!

Of course, the show got kicked off with the showing of the 8-minute footage of the Lingamtape. Some called V.K Lingam as Shockalingam - a nod to a guy killed in Anniyan which everyone was laughing. Sure, the real laughing point is indeed "correct...correct...correct!"

Of course the speakers are from PKR, BAR Council, Transparency International and an ex-UN Rapporteur. I find that the musing by Mr. Param a bit amusing especially when he recalled a remark of him being replied by the Chief Justice about accepting the appointment as Lord President after Salleh Abbas. Mr. Param also said that the lost of confidence in the judiciary can also result into vigilantism - taking the law into their own hands. He cited an example of a Guatemala magistrate stoned to death because of improper decisions. The important reminder in his speech is the fact that AAB is not fulfilling his manifesto.

I read the online edition of the MEA document that Anwar wrote before coming for the talk. I came to realize that because of the corruption and bureaucracy in the government, Malaysia stands to lose more than what they are able to gain. A notable fact that was said is that Singapore's standard of living is indeed five times better than Malaysia. Anwar speaks of various points in which no doubt I have to agree, despite my affirmation that I do not take interest in politics.

Former MP Wee Choo Keong is also among the audience, but seating at the back. His commentary is the one that stands out during the Q&A session. I remembered how he was a victim of law manipulation when the court decides to give the disputed parliamentary seat to the loser instead of conducting a re-count. I could hear what he said and his motive in giving justice to what was lost before.

I didn't know until today that my friend Martin was working as the driver for Transparency International founder Tunku Abdul Aziz. When I called him today to get some stuff from him, he told me of a problem. His October pay got stolen yesterday when thieves ransacked his car. There goes his pay. Of course it's negligence, but I thought of maybe meeting him over the problem. I don't know whether to help him or not. I told him that I don't have enough money to spare him because I figured that I would be paying a big portion of credit bills after next week.

But when I went through the whole thing, I came to realize that I can't seem to trust the judiciary anymore. If I am to challenge a big government over compensation of damages, I would immediately end up one the losing side because of the intimidation and the partisan decision of judges. Some are pressured by the mob to go with them or face punishment. Which reminds me of what Tony told me of a Shearn Delamore lawyer representing MAS did in the lawsuit against Audra.

You can say that high-profile cases involving the government are rigged from the beginning.

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